reading time: 6 min.

TRNC detail in the Global Organized Crime Index 2021 report

TRNC detail in the Global Organized Crime Index 2021 report

The Global Organized Crime Index 2021 report has been released. In the report, Cyprus, which ranks 134th among 193 countries, drew attention to the details of the TRNC in terms of human, oil smuggling and criminal organizations.

Publish Date: 08/02/22 08:01
reading time: 6 min.
TRNC detail in the Global Organized Crime Index 2021 report
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The Global Organized Crime Index 2021 report has been released. While Cyprus ranks 134th among 193 countries based on Southern Cyprus, Turkey ranks 12th according to the report.

The report also included the TRNC on human, oil smuggling and criminal organizations.


In the Global Organized Crime Index 2021 report, it was stated that the human trafficking and human trafficking crime market is quite high in Cyprus.

This is due to the country's geographic location, the report said, because the country is located at a crossroads between Africa, Asia and Europe, a global hotspot for irregular migration and human trafficking.

The victims of human trafficking come from Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, West Africa, East Africa, Central Asia and the Caucasus, the measures taken in Cyprus for human trafficking show significant differences in the North and South of Cyprus, provided”.

It was stated that the reports showed that many immigrants paid money by being tricked into going to Italy, Spain or Greece, but went to the TRNC.

The report also stated that the tolerance and practices of the Turkish authorities enable human smugglers to use Cyprus as a bridgehead to Europe, while the 180-kilometer demilitarized and hard-to-track UN buffer zone provides additional opportunities for smugglers.

It was noted that Cyprus is a target country for human trafficking, including sexual and labor exploitation. It was stated in the report that the majority of sexually motivated exploitation is seasonal and occurs during the high tourist season between April and October, and that migrant workers are frequently exploited in the agriculture and construction sectors and are exposed to labor smuggling. It is reported that victims of labor trafficking are reported to be employed by employment agencies, usually with short-term work permits, but when this leave period expires, victims are threatened, their salaries and documents are withheld, and they are subjected to debt-based pressure.

In the report, which stated that Cyprus has been among the countries receiving the highest number of asylum seekers in the European Union for several years, it was noted that the country is a transit country for irregular migrants, but the data show that it has also become a destination country.

The report stated that the 2015 migrant and refugee crisis, combined with the country's proximity to Turkey, led to significant growth in the human trafficking market.


The Global Organized Crime Index 2021 report stated that gun ownership is relatively high in Cyprus, but the crime market is small arms and light weapons, which are characterized as low.

The report noted that local crime actors in the country normally robbed army camps or the homes of reservists to obtain firearms.


Regarding the smuggling of petroleum products, which is handled under the environmental category in the published report, it was stated that the TRNC is most likely related to the smuggling of petroleum products extracted by the Islamic State from Syria to Turkey, as well as the smuggling of refined petroleum products from Libya to European markets.

The environmental category of the report also noted that illegal logging and poaching of migratory birds are common in Cyprus.

It was noted that illegal logging has occurred in the protected areas of the country, and most of the wood obtained is believed to have been primarily used for heating.

Regarding the poaching of migratory birds, it was pointed out that the most common illegal activity was the poaching of migratory songbirds such as robin, black head and juniper, while the reason for poaching was selling them to restaurants at high prices.


The report stated that Cyprus is the target market for cannabis, cocaine and synthetic drugs, and there is little evidence to show drug trafficking flows.

In the report, which stated that cannabis is the most common illegal drug in Cyprus, it was noted that the drug enters the country mostly through other European countries.

The report states that there is little data proving that certain organized crime groups are involved in the cannabis market, and that cocaine is the second most consumed drug type in Cyprus and one of the most valuable crime markets.

The report said that mafia-style groups are known to control the cocaine market.

In the report, which noted that an increase has been observed in the use of amphetamine, methamphetamine and MDMA in recent years, tourists

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