reading time: 1 min.

Food Analysis Results Released: Locally Produced Chili Peppers and Carrots Destroyed Due to Contamination

Food Analysis Results Released: Locally Produced Chili Peppers and Carrots Destroyed Due to Contamination

The Agriculture Department has announced the results of a week-long food analysis.

Publish Date: 12/01/24 15:11
reading time: 1 min.
Food Analysis Results Released: Locally Produced Chili Peppers and Carrots Destroyed Due to Contamination
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According to the report, locally produced chili peppers and carrots were destroyed due to the use of unauthorized plant protection products. The Agriculture Department revealed that during food inspections, conducted between January 5 and January 11, two locally produced items were found to contain unauthorized plant protection products and were subsequently disposed of.

According to the Agriculture Department's statement on the analysis results, all 24 samples taken from imported products were found to be clean. However, out of 30 samples from locally produced items, two were found to contain unauthorized plant protection products.

The statement mentioned that red chili peppers owned by Ali Tat from Gazimağusa and carrots owned by Metin İkizoğlu from Doğancı village were destroyed due to the use of unauthorized plant protection products.

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