Tatar: Irfan Siddiq Started Supporting South Cyprus Politics, I Condemn

President Ersin Tatar, referring to the statement by the British High Commissioner President Irfan Siddiq that "Recognition of two states and the TRNC is not possible," said, "He started supporting South Cyprus politics, I condemn." President Ersin Tatar was a guest on the program 'Sabah Postası' prepared and presented by Gökhan Altıner on Kıbrıs Postası TV.

Ersin Tatar touched upon the statement made by the British High Commissioner President Irfan Siddiq to Yenidüzen newspaper, saying, "Never before in the history of the TRNC has such insolence been seen, and Siddiq did not interfere in domestic politics to this extent; the necessary information has been given to Turkey."
Tatar, stating that the TRNC is being used for national goals, expressed his strong disapproval, saying, "They started supporting South Cyprus politics to have good relations with the Greek Cypriot Administration; I found it very surprising, and I condemn Siddiq."
Emphasizing that the politics of South Cyprus is not sincere, Tatar said, "They don't even accept political equality. The status is clear, 0 soldiers, 0 guarantees."
Source: Kıbrıs Postası Web TV
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