Turkey's Population Reaches 85 Million 372 Thousand 377 People

The population of Turkey increased by 92,824 people in 2023 compared to the previous year, reaching 85,372,377 people. Istanbul's population decreased by 252,027 people compared to the previous year, totaling 15,655,924 people.

As of December 31, 2023, the population residing in Turkey reached 85,372,377 people, an increase of 92,824 people compared to the previous year.
While the male population was 42,734,071, the female population was 42,638,306. In other words, men made up 50.1% of the total population, while women made up 49.9%.
According to the Address-Based Population Registration System (ADNKS) results, the foreign population residing in our country decreased by 253,293 people compared to the previous year, reaching 1,570,543 people. Of this population, 48.6% were men and 51.4% were women.
While the annual population growth rate was 7.1 per thousand in 2022, it decreased to 1.1 per thousand in 2023.
The percentage of people living in city and district centers, which was 93.4% in Turkey in 2022, decreased to 93% in 2023. On the other hand, the percentage of people living in towns and villages increased from 6.6% to 7%.
Istanbul's population decreased by 252,027 people compared to the previous year, totaling 15,655,924 people. Istanbul, where 18.34% of Turkey's population resides, was followed by Ankara with 5,803,482 people, Izmir with 4,479,525 people, Bursa with 3,214,571 people, and Antalya with 2,696,249 people.
Bayburt became the province with the lowest population with 86,047 people. It was followed by Tunceli with 89,317 people, Ardahan with 92,819 people, Gümüşhane with 148,539 people, and Kilis with 155,179 people.
Population pyramids are defined as graphics that show the changes in the age and gender structure of the population. When comparing Turkey's population pyramids for 2007 and 2023, it was observed that the elderly population increased and the median age increased due to the decrease in fertility and mortality rates.
The median age represents the age of the person in the middle when the ages of the people making up the population, from newborns to the oldest, are sorted from smallest to largest. The median age is also an important indicator used in interpreting the age structure of the population.
Turkey's median age, which was 33.5 in 2022, increased to 34 in 2023. When examined by gender, it was observed that the median age increased from 32.8 to 33.2 for men and from 34.2 to 34.7 for women.
When the distribution of the median age by provinces is examined, it is seen that Sinop has the highest median age value of 42.8. Sinop was followed by Giresun and Kastamonu, both with 42.4. On the other hand, Şanlıurfa became the province with the lowest median age with 21.2. Şanlıurfa was followed by Şırnak with 22.7 and Ağrı with 24.
When the distribution of the median age by provinces and gender is examined, it is seen that Sinop has the highest median age for men with 41.9, while Şanlıurfa has the lowest median age for men with 20.7. Among women, Sinop again had the highest median age with 43.8, while Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age with 21.6.
When the distribution of marital status by gender is examined for the years 2009 and 2023, it is seen that the rate of never married men is higher than that of women, while the rates of widowed and divorced women are higher than those of men. On the other hand, the rate of married people, which constitutes the majority, was similar for both genders in 2009 and 2023.
The percentage of the population in the working age group, defined as 15-64 years old, increased from 66.5% in 2007 to 68.3% in 2023. On the other hand, the percentage of the population in the child age group, defined as 0-14 years old, decreased from 26.4% to 21.4%, while the percentage of the population aged 65 and over increased from 7.1% to 10.2%.
The total dependency ratio, which shows the number of children and elderly people per working-age individual, decreased from 46.8% in 2022 to 46.3% in 2023.
The child dependency ratio, which indicates the number of children per working-age individual, decreased from 32.3% to 31.4%, while the elderly dependency ratio, which measures the number of elderly people per working-age individual, increased from 14.5% to 15%. In other words, in 2023, for every 100 working-age individuals in Turkey, there were 31.4 children and 15 elderly people.
The "number of people per square kilometer," defined as population density, was 111 people in Turkey overall. Istanbul, with 3,013 people per square kilometer, had the highest population density. After Istanbul, Kocaeli with 582 people and Izmir with 373 people had the highest population densities.
On the other hand, the province with the lowest population density, as in the previous year, was Tunceli with 12 people per square kilometer. Tunceli was followed by Ardahan with 19 people and Erzincan with 21 people.
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