reading time: 4 min.

Ertuğruloğlu: The Future Will Shape through the Collaboration of Two Separate Sovereign States

Ertuğruloğlu: The Future Will Shape through the Collaboration of Two Separate Sovereign States

Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu stated that the future in Cyprus will be shaped by the collaboration of two separate sovereign states. Ertuğruloğlu emphasized that his expectation from Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Cyprus, is to inform the Secretary-General correctly without waiting for 6 months, stating that "there is no common ground."

Publish Date: 14/02/24 14:05
reading time: 4 min.
Ertuğruloğlu: The Future Will Shape through the Collaboration of Two Separate Sovereign States
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Speaking on Kıbrıs Genç TV and answering questions about current issues, Ertuğruloğlu stated that steps are being taken with Ankara step by step regarding the Cyprus issue. He said, "From the beginning of the appointment process of the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, the approach has been that there is no common ground, and there will not be any. I say this as someone who speaks so openly."

Ertuğruloğlu emphasized that this should not be interpreted as "there is common ground, but someone is trying to prevent it." He stated that if policies are to be made based on facts, first of all, the unfair use of the term 'Republic of Cyprus' by the Greek Cypriot side should be eliminated for there to be common ground. Ertuğruloğlu said, "As long as the Greek Cypriot side continues to use this status, there is no logic to say 'there is common ground,' it is not an issue."


Pointing out that the United Nations (UN) is getting ready to celebrate its 60th year in Cyprus, Ertuğruloğlu stated that during his meetings, the attention of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and the Chief of the UN Peacekeeping Force (UNFICYP) in Cyprus, Colin Stewart, and his team was drawn to two points. He conveyed these points as follows:

Ertuğruloğlu stated that the existence of the UN in Cyprus for 60 years proves that the Greek Cypriot propaganda that "the Cyprus problem started in 1974" is a lie. He continued, "If the UN has not found common ground on this island for 60 years, will Ms. Holguin find it in 6 months? There is no such possibility.

I made a statement to this effect while in Ankara. Our expectation from the said representative is not that she will make a statement saying 'there is common ground.' She does not even need to wait for 6 months; she can simply say 'there is no common ground' and inform the Secretary-General correctly, and in the light of this information, the fact that he already knows will be emphasized, and the goodwill mission will be returned. Our expectation is in this direction."


Ertuğruloğlu stated that the necessary lesson should be learned from the overnight destruction of the 1960 Republic based on guaranteed political equality, saying, "Political equality is indispensable, and we must also know and accept that for political equality to have any meaning, it must be based on sovereign equality. If we do not learn this lesson from what happened to the 1960 partnership, it means we cannot learn any lessons from history; we have such a weakness."

"If we sit at a table based on inequality, we cannot stand up as equals," said Ertuğruloğlu, stating that after Crans Montana, the Turkish side's policy has been based on the right ground, and the future will be shaped through the collaboration of two separate sovereign states.

Ertuğruloğlu stated that the UN and the European Union (EU) are biased towards the Greeks, and it seems that the problem-creating UN and EU are trying to solve the problem.

Ertuğruloğlu described the visit of the German President to South Cyprus as a fiasco in itself and said that the comparison made by the German President between Berlin and Nicosia is insincere and propaganda."


Source: Kıbrıs Genç TV 

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