reading time: 1 min.

Töre: We Await the Swift Capture and Appropriate Punishment of the Attackers

Töre: We Await the Swift Capture and Appropriate Punishment of the Attackers

Parliament Speaker Zorlu Töre condemned the attack on 8 Turkish Cypriot youths returning from Trodos, stating, "We await the swift capture and appropriate punishment of the attackers." Acting President and Parliament Speaker Zorlu Töre denounced the assault on 8 Turkish Cypriot youths in South Cyprus upon their return from Trodos.

Publish Date: 20/02/24 13:35
reading time: 1 min.
Töre: We Await the Swift Capture and Appropriate Punishment of the Attackers
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In a written statement, Töre remarked that the attack against Turkish Cypriots in South Cyprus is neither the first nor the last.

Töre stated in his announcement:

"I condemn the assault on our 8 youths in South Cyprus. The injury of 3 of our youths due to the attack has saddened us deeply. There is no justification whatsoever for the stone-throwing and clubbing attack against our youths.

The escalating actions of youths in South Cyprus send us a message each time. The importance of being under our flag and within the framework of our state has once again become evident after this attack.

We expect the judicial authorities in South Cyprus to swiftly capture the perpetrators of this attack and administer the necessary punishment... On this occasion, I extend my get-well-soon wishes to our youths."

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