reading time: 3 min.

Sami Özuslu: There is a Serious Security Vulnerability at Ercan Airport

Sami Özuslu: There is a Serious Security Vulnerability at Ercan Airport

CTP (Republican Turkish Party) MP Sami Özuslu expressed concern over a retired general leaving the VIP lounge at Ercan Airport, only to be arrested in Ankara for cigarette smuggling.

Publish Date: 27/02/24 15:45
reading time: 3 min.
Sami Özuslu: There is a Serious Security Vulnerability at Ercan Airport
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He interpreted this as a sign of serious security vulnerability at Ercan, questioning if the VIP lounge was being exploited. Özuslu demanded clarification on this matter during his current affairs speech at the Republic Assembly General Assembly.

During the General Assembly session, CTP MP Sami Özuslu raised questions about the presence and effectiveness of the government, asking, "Is there a government, and if so, what is it doing?"

Özuslu pointed out advertisements in Turkey suggesting the establishment of a new city in the TRNC, increasing the number of cities from 6 to 7, particularly near Ercan Airport. He noted that the area falls under Chapter 96, making it beyond the jurisdiction of urban planning authorities.

Referring to a statement by CTP leader Tufan Erhürman, Özuslu highlighted concerns about land changing hands. He specified that the area in question is within the boundaries of Değirmenlik town, with a population of around 20,000, while the advertisers claim to be creating a "new living space for 30,000 people."

Özuslu criticized President Ersin Tatar for what he perceived as populism regarding the sale of property to Israelis on Turkish television.

He also directed questions to the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Sadık Gardiyanoğlu, regarding "fake prescriptions," inquiring about the number of medications insured individuals have obtained from pharmacies in the last 6 months, the payments made by the Social Security Department, and the number of pharmacists registered in the system. Özuslu mentioned receiving reports of visa and identity card forgery.

Özuslu further highlighted a case where a retired general left the VIP lounge at Ercan Airport only to be arrested in Ankara for cigarette smuggling, suggesting it indicated a serious security vulnerability at Ercan. He demanded explanations on this matter, questioning if the VIP lounge was being exploited and raised concerns about potential other illicit activities. Additionally, Özuslu inquired about the employment status of the 150 civilian security personnel mentioned by the government.

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