reading time: 1 min.

Lefke District Court Resumes Service After Renovation

Lefke District Court Resumes Service After Renovation

After undergoing renovations, the Lefke District Court, which had been relocated to Güzelyurt in 2018 due to renovations, has resumed services in its original building in Lefke. Representatives of organizations affiliated with the Lefke Civil Society Platform staged a demonstration in front of the Lefke District Court, urging the government to fulfill the requirements for district status in Lefke following the reopening of the court.

Publish Date: 04/03/24 14:34
reading time: 1 min.
Lefke District Court Resumes Service After Renovation
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Speaking at the demonstration, Teoman Oktay, the Coordinator of the Lefke Civil Society Platform, remarked that the renovation of the Lefke District Court had taken a long time. Oktay emphasized that the prolonged delay in addressing the issues in Lefke was "unacceptable," and expressed the expectation for other institutions to be promptly opened in Lefke.

Vehit Nekibzade, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Lefke Foundation, stated that the reopening of the court after extensive renovations brought about a "bittersweet joy" in the region. Nekibzade expressed the hope for the opening of other institutions and offices in the district, particularly the Lefke Police Department, Land Registry Office, and District Governorship.

They called for necessary steps to be taken promptly regarding the establishment of these institutions in the district.

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