reading time: 3 min.

President Tatar Optimistic About Boost in Tourist Numbers in TRNC

President Tatar Optimistic About Boost in Tourist Numbers in TRNC

President Ersin Tatar has expressed optimism about a significant increase in tourist numbers in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) if the isolation measures are lifted. Speaking to journalists at the International Tourism Exchange (ITB) Berlin, President Tatar emphasized the potential for a transformed landscape in tourism if the restrictions on the TRNC are lifted.

Publish Date: 06/03/24 13:50
reading time: 3 min.
President Tatar Optimistic About Boost in Tourist Numbers in TRNC
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President Tatar highlighted that the removal of obstacles would pave the way for a substantial rise in tourist arrivals, potentially turning the TRNC into a thriving destination. He stated, "Cyprus will soar. Currently, our tourist count stands at 1.5 million, mainly consisting of visitors from Turkey. The key is to extend their stay to 7 days, and when we reach 5 million tourists, Cyprus will become a different place altogether. With its natural beauty, sea, and climate, Cyprus is a wonderful destination."

President Tatar also pointed out that Cyprus could attract tourists throughout the year, especially from colder countries like Finland and Norway, due to its all-year-round accessibility to the sea.

While acknowledging the injustices faced by the Turkish Cypriot people, President Tatar underscored the significance of direct flights to boost tourism. He noted the absence of direct flights to the TRNC, highlighting Istanbul as a crucial hub. He emphasized that Istanbul's emergence as a vital center enables travelers from Japan, Canada, and other distant locations to reach Cyprus within an hour, ultimately contributing to the promotion of Cyprus as a brand and destination.

President Tatar emphasized the ongoing efforts to enhance the TRNC's brand value through significant investments and promotional activities. Despite facing isolation and restrictions, he noted the determination to showcase the rich history, culture, and tourism potential of the TRNC on the global stage, particularly at international fairs like the one in Berlin.

Regarding real estate investments, President Tatar acknowledged the attractiveness of prices but vowed to implement regulations to prevent exploitation. He highlighted existing regulations governing property purchases by foreigners, emphasizing the need to protect Cyprus's integrity and security while ensuring responsible investment practices.

President Tatar concluded by reaffirming the commitment to safeguarding Cyprus's interests while welcoming responsible tourism and investment initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of the TRNC.

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