reading time: 6 min.

President Ersin Tatar: No One Can Hinder the 60-Year Statehood Process of the Turkish Cypriot People

President Ersin Tatar: No One Can Hinder the 60-Year Statehood Process of the Turkish Cypriot People

President Ersin Tatar stated that no one can hinder the Turkish Cypriot people's statehood process, which has lasted for over 60 years. Highlighting that the position of the TRNC would be stronger if sovereignty is accepted, Tatar emphasized that the policy of two states has found its place in society, with full support from the Republic of Turkey.

Publish Date: 08/03/24 17:02
reading time: 6 min.
President Ersin Tatar: No One Can Hinder the 60-Year Statehood Process of the Turkish Cypriot People
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President Tatar expressed the necessity for the embargo and isolation faced by the Turkish Cypriots to be lifted as soon as possible, stating that the international community would eventually recognize the mistakes made over time. He underscored that it's unjust to hold the younger generation responsible for events that occurred in 1974, emphasizing the great injustice done to the Turkish Cypriot youth.

Regarding the Cyprus issue and recent developments, President Tatar made exclusive statements to the Kıbrıs Postası. He initially discussed the ongoing evaluation of the situation and the contacts of the United Nations Secretary-General's Personal Representative for Cyprus, Maria Angela Holguín Cuéllar.

Tatar stressed the need for Holguín's contacts to seek a common ground, noting, "This period should not exceed 6 months. For us, the common ground is the acceptance of our sovereign equality and equal international status."

While emphasizing that the TRNC is a state even if it is not recognized, Tatar said, "When the Greek Cypriot side excluded us from the Cyprus Republic, of which we were a founding partner by force of arms in 1963, we established our own state. This state, the TRNC, continues on its path, it is impossible to take it away from us."

Tatar underscored that the TRNC should be part of any potential agreement, stating, "If they try to patch us into the Cyprus Republic, we will say 'no.' Therefore, for a common ground to be established, our sovereignty and our right to statehood must be recognized."

Highlighting that the just demand of the Turkish Cypriot people is recognized by all countries worldwide, Tatar stated, "But the Greek Cypriot side gained superiority with the decision taken on March 4, 1964. At that time, a great injustice was done to the Turkish Cypriot people. Makarios left the meeting as the only recognized government of Cyprus and condemned the Turkish Cypriot people to an agreement."


Tatar emphasized that no one can hinder the Turkish Cypriot people's statehood process, which has lasted for 60 years, stating, "If the right of the Turkish Cypriot people to govern themselves is accepted, an agreement can be reached. This is the essential point. We will never compromise on our position."

Tatar stated that they are in constant consultation with the Republic of Turkey, saying, "Their position is clear and straightforward. The new policy we put forward three years ago continues as is. With Turkey's support, we continue our new policy."

Tatar highlighted that the TRNC's position would be stronger if sovereignty is accepted, saying, "If an agreement cannot be reached at the negotiation table, we will continue our path as a sovereign people."


Tatar stated that the TRNC can be recognized sooner or later, saying, "We have the right to statehood, and we have been consolidating it for 60 years. If there is to be an agreement in Cyprus, it must be with the cooperation of two states. It is not possible to think otherwise."

President Tatar addressed criticisms that there has been less progress during his tenure compared to previous periods regarding the resolution of the Cyprus issue. He pointed out that 50 years were wasted negotiating on a federal basis without achieving anything. Therefore, he deemed it unjust to criticize him for not achieving results in three years. Tatar stated, "I did not promise to achieve results in 3 years." He considered the rapid implementation and global announcement of the new policy a success, indicating that everyone now knows what is happening in Cyprus.


President Tatar emphasized that the policy of two states has found its place in society, with full support from the Republic of Turkey, stating, "We must continue our policy to the end." He noted that the TRNC has become more established with its institutions and organizations, saying, "Despite all the global troubles, the TRNC stands tall."

Finally, addressing the isolation and embargoes faced by the Turkish Cypriots, President Tatar stressed that efforts to lift them are ongoing. He said, "Hopefully, over time, the international community will see the mistakes they made. The lifting of the embargoes on the Turkish Cypriot people and youth is our hope." Tatar underlined that it is against human rights to impose embargoes on young people engaged in sports, adding, "Our young people participating in international organizations is their natural right. It is a great injustice to our youth to link them to events that occurred in 1974."

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