reading time: 6 min.

Women in TRNC Struggle to Find Employment; Employment Rate is 58.9% for Men and 36.1% for Women

Women in TRNC Struggle to Find Employment; Employment Rate is 58.9% for Men and 36.1% for Women

In the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), 74% of the female population is in the working age group of 15-64 years. However, while the employment rate is 58.9% for men, it is only 36.1% for women. Additionally, the unemployment rates in the country are calculated at 4.8% for men and 5.8% for women.

Publish Date: 08/03/24 17:13
reading time: 6 min.
Women in TRNC Struggle to Find Employment; Employment Rate is 58.9% for Men and 36.1% for Women
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These figures indicate that women not only participate less in employment compared to men but also face more difficulties in finding jobs even when actively seeking employment. Furthermore, only 35% of top-level managerial positions in the country are occupied by women.

Although there has been an increase in the number of female offenders over the years, as of 2022, only 6.8% of inmates in prisons are women.

In 2023, 906 crimes against women were recorded in the TRNC, with "assault" ranking at the top among these crimes, as seen in previous years.

On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8th, the Statistics Institute shared some key statistics regarding women in the country with the public.

According to the Institute's projections, women comprised 46% of the population in 2022, while men made up 54%. It was observed that in the age group of 60-75 years, the female population was higher than males. The percentage of women in the population was calculated at 50% in the age groups of 60-64 and 65-69, 52% in the 70-74 age group, and 57% in the age group of 75 and above.

Comparing these statistics with data collected by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) for Union countries, it was revealed that in most European countries, the female population exceeded that of males.

The Statistics Institute also noted that although there has been a balanced distribution of female and male populations in the country over the past decade, there has been a continuous increase in the female population.

"Women in TRNC Live Longer Than in Other Countries: 83.2 Years"

When examining life expectancy at birth in the TRNC, it is observed that after years of decline, there has been an increase as of 2022. The life expectancy for men was calculated at 79.4 years, while for women, it was 83.2 years.

Comparing these figures with data from other countries in the world and Europe, it was concluded that women in the TRNC have a longer life expectancy than women in other countries.

"The Average Marriage Age for Women Increased from 30 to 32 in 4 Years"

According to data from 2018 to 2022, the average age of marriage for women increased from 30 to 32. For men, this age increased from 32.9 to 35.

While the number of couples getting married increased from 1234 in 2021 to 1247 in 2022, the number of divorces also increased from 895 in 2021 to 945 in 2022.

The reasons for divorce were cited as follows: "67% involved mutual consent or one party accepting the other's lawsuit with the condition that the marriage lasted at least one year, 29% involved fundamental breakdown of the marriage, and 4% involved continuous separation for two years when the divorce case was filed."

"Distribution of Births by Mother's Age Group"

In 2022, out of 3,649 births, the largest share, 31.7%, was accounted for by mothers aged 25-29.

This was followed by mothers aged 30-34 with 29.4%, mothers aged 35-39 with 17.8%, mothers aged 20-24 with 14.3%, mothers aged 40-44 with 4.9%, mothers aged 14-19 with 0.9%, and mothers aged 45 and above.

Out of a total of 1831 deaths in 2022, 819 were female and 1012 were male, with 44.7% of female deaths attributed to circulatory system diseases.

"Labour Force Participation Rate is 38.3% for Women"

In the TRNC, 74% of the female population is within the working age group of 15-64 years according to United Nations criteria.

According to the 2023 Household Labour Force Survey, an important indicator explaining the development in employment, the employment rate was 58.9% for men and 36.1% for women. This data indicates that women are less likely to participate in employment compared to men.

However, the higher unemployment rate among women shows that women in the country face more difficulty in finding jobs compared to men.

According to the results of the 2023 Household Labour Force Survey, 49.1% (150,599 people) of the non-institutional working-age population are not in the labour force.

Of the population not in the labour force, 58.4% are women. When broken down by major subgroups, the largest portion of the female population not in the labour force is composed of housewives at 40.6%, followed by students at 22.3%, retirees at 12.3%, and those unable to work at 7.4%.

"Service Sector Dominates Economic Activities for Women"

Employed women are predominantly found in the service sector at 90.4%, while only 1.9% are involved in the construction sector.

Of employed women, 89.3% are paid employees, 9.3% are self-employed with employees, and 1.4% are unpaid family workers.

According to data from the Personnel Department for 2022, 65% of senior executives in the country are male, indicating that women face some challenges in advancing to managerial positions.

"248 Out of 3,418 Prisoners are Women"

Considering the relationship between gender and crime, it is evident, as in all societies, that women have lower crime rates than men in the TRNC.

In 2022, only 6.8% of inmates in prisons were women. Furthermore, the number of female prisoners increased from 161 in 2018 to 248 in 2022.

"Assault" remains the most common type of violence against women in the TRNC, accounting for 49.2% of incidents in 2023, followed by "threats of violence" at 5.4%, "provocative calls/messages" at 5.3%, and "violations of electronic communication law".

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