reading time: 3 min.

CTP Leader's Concerns on Traffic Safety & Oversight

CTP Leader's Concerns on Traffic Safety & Oversight

Tufan Erhürman, the leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), addressed traffic accidents during his speech at the Parliament General Assembly.

Publish Date: 25/03/24 15:53
reading time: 3 min.
CTP Leader's Concerns on Traffic Safety & Oversight
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Speaking about traffic accidents, Erhürman noted that several young people lost their lives in traffic recently. He emphasized the existence of the "Traffic Services Planning Coordination and Control Law," which came into force in 2016, and mentioned that this law established a committee. Pointing out that the Traffic and Transportation Services Committee consists of 17 members and is chaired by the relevant minister, Erhürman provided insights into the responsibilities of this committee. He underscored that this committee is mandated by law to convene at least once a month, specifically during the last week of each month, upon the transportation minister's call. Erhürman highlighted that according to the information he received, this committee has not convened for three years.

Expressing his concerns about the failure to convene this committee, Erhürman questioned the justification for not fulfilling this simple obligation and criticized the management of the country. He stressed that as long as this mentality persists, no results can be achieved on any issue.

Erhürman also addressed the issue of education on traffic safety, mentioning the Traffic Education Park and the challenges it faced due to contractual issues and reduced wages for trained personnel.

He urged for action beyond mere publicity after fatalities and emphasized the need for practical steps to be taken. Erhürman also discussed the shortcomings in the public transportation system and raised questions about the allocation of transportation permits. He criticized the misuse of permits and highlighted the importance of adhering to the law in this regard.

Erhürman concluded by emphasizing the need for seriousness and responsibility in addressing these issues, especially regarding higher education and transportation.

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