reading time: 3 min.

Erhürman: Uncertainty Created in Citrus Fruit Also Created in Meat Issue

Erhürman: Uncertainty Created in Citrus Fruit Also Created in Meat Issue

During the Republic Assembly General Assembly meeting, the issue of meat was discussed, prompting Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Leader Tufan Erhürman to speak. Addressing the issue of meat, Erhürman mentioned that the livestock association staged a protest concerning the issue, criticizing the government.

Publish Date: 20/05/24 15:18
reading time: 3 min.
Erhürman: Uncertainty Created in Citrus Fruit Also Created in Meat Issue
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Erhürman stated that this issue has been ongoing for a long time and a solution should have been found, but it has escalated into tension, and the right decisions have not been made. He emphasized that livestock breeders and butchers are being pitted against each other, and both sides opposed the government's decision to allow the import of frozen meat, which raised concerns about healthy meat.

Pointing out the importance of knowing the data first, Erhürman emphasized the need for accurate information regarding meat demand, livestock inventory, and population before making decisions. He proposed solutions based on this understanding.

Erhürman stressed the importance of obtaining real data, asking what the plan is regarding frozen meat and how many more months it will be imported. He stated that with healthy and real data, this could be determined.

Erhürman noted that butchers, breeders, and consumers are not satisfied, as concerns about food safety are high, and if there is no confidence in food, there is a possibility of people turning to the South for food, which would harm the economy.

He emphasized the need to consider concerns about meat and the importance of managing this process within a plan, suggesting that the seriousness of the problems could be addressed with foresight.

Erhürman expressed the need for all parties to come together to create an environment of trust and find solutions to these problems. He highlighted the importance of maintaining domestic production for consumer confidence and a sustainable economy.

Erhürman concluded by stating that all these areas are put at risk with the decision regarding meat and that this is unacceptable. He emphasized that the uncertainty created in citrus fruits has also been created in the meat issue, creating an uncertain and unsustainable situation.

Erhürman expressed his desire to hear what the planning is regarding meat along with the data.

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