reading time: 4 min.

Fuat Oktay Addresses Challenges Facing Turkish Cypriots in Norway

Fuat Oktay Addresses Challenges Facing Turkish Cypriots in Norway

During his visit to Norway, Chairman of the Turkish Grand National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Committee, Fuat Oktay, highlighted the severe difficulties faced by Turkish Cypriots and underscored Turkey's stance on a solution based on two sovereign communities rather than a federation.

Publish Date: 24/05/24 11:46
reading time: 4 min.
Fuat Oktay Addresses Challenges Facing Turkish Cypriots in Norway
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Speaking from the Turkish Embassy in Oslo after meetings, Oktay discussed the Cyprus issue, the recognition of the Palestinian state, the Russia-Ukraine war, and counter-terrorism efforts.

Palestinian Recognition and Three-Step Plan

Oktay noted that discussions prominently featured the topic of Palestine, emphasizing Norway's decision to recognize the Palestinian state, effective from the 28th of the month. He mentioned that this decision, coordinated with Ireland and Spain, could inspire other countries to follow suit. Turkey supports a three-step plan for Palestine's recognition: achieving a permanent ceasefire, ensuring uninterrupted humanitarian aid, and working towards a two-state solution that benefits both Palestinians and Israelis.

Efforts Towards a Two-State Solution

Oktay detailed ongoing reforms for organizing and structuring the Palestinian state, a process initiated in Norway. An upcoming meeting on May 26, co-hosted by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Norway, and the European Union (EU), will continue these discussions. Turkish Foreign Minister will attend this meeting, with further plans to engage OIC, Arab, and EU countries to advance the two-state solution.

Turkish Cypriots' Struggles and Ambargoes

Addressing the second major topic, Oktay focused on the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). He pointed out the severe difficulties and embargoes faced by Turkish Cypriots, stressing Turkey’s shift from advocating for a federation to supporting two sovereign communities. Oktay expressed satisfaction with the positive response from Norwegian officials, particularly Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide, who has a deep understanding of the Cyprus issue from his time as the UN Special Representative for Cyprus. Eide acknowledged Turkey and the TRNC's efforts towards a solution and showed openness to lifting embargoes on Turkish Cypriots.

Counter-Terrorism and Regional Stability

Oktay also highlighted other key topics, including counter-terrorism, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and Turkey’s stance against terrorist organizations like PKK, PYD/YPG, and FETÖ. He emphasized the importance of NATO partners not imposing embargoes in the fight against terrorism.

Azerbaijan-Armenia Peace Prospects

On the issue of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Oktay conveyed optimism about reaching a peace agreement, noting that the two countries have never been closer to resolving their conflict following the Karabakh war. He stressed the necessity of bilateral dialogue without external interference and called for Western support in encouraging Armenia towards peace. Oktay expressed a positive reception to these views in Norway, indicating a shared understanding of the region's dynamics.

Overall, Oktay's visit to Norway aimed to strengthen bilateral and regional relations, with significant progress reported in discussions on various critical issues.

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