reading time: 3 min.

EEC: Güngör Transformed into an Open Dump Site

EEC: Güngör Transformed into an Open Dump Site

The Chamber of Environmental Engineers has raised alarms about Güngör turning into an open dump site, warning that garbage fires are likely to increase exponentially. The Chamber highlighted that the country's only solid waste storage site has deteriorated into a wild dumping ground, with fires set to multiply.

Publish Date: 03/06/24 13:59
reading time: 3 min.
EEC: Güngör Transformed into an Open Dump Site
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Sibel Paralik, President of the Chamber of Environmental Engineers, stated, “The Güngör Solid Waste Storage Facility, designed with a 30-year waste storage capacity, has reached its limit in just 11 years and has turned into an open dump.”

In her statement, Paralik warned that due to the improper management of waste, the number of fires at the facility is expected to rise. “In recent months, it has been observed that waste dumped near the site has been smoldering. With the arrival of summer, these fires will increase exponentially,” she said.

"None of the Goals Achieved"

Paralik criticized the failure to meet any of the targets outlined in the Environmental Law's waste management section, the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, and the Integrated Waste Management Plan. She emphasized the need to improve waste management infrastructure and take concrete steps in areas such as “determining population and waste characterization,” reducing waste at the source, encouraging consumers to reuse, and promoting recycling. “Because these three key actions have not been implemented, the Güngör Solid Waste Storage Facility has quickly reached capacity and is nearing the end of its operational life,” Paralik noted.

"No Budget Allocated for Dump Rehabilitation"

Paralik pointed out that the tender for the TRNC Integrated Solid Waste Management Project, which includes the rehabilitation of the Güngör Solid Waste Storage Facility, has not been issued. “More than a year has passed, and no waste characterization study or feasibility report has been prepared. It is known that the government has not allocated a budget for the Güngör tender,” she continued.

Paralik also mentioned that there are over 50 open dump sites in Northern Cyprus, where fires frequently occur, especially during the summer. She urged the government and municipalities to allocate budgets for solving solid waste and other environmental issues, and to develop short, medium, and long-term plans.

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