reading time: 2 min.

Tatar: Imposition of Solution Offered to Turkish Cypriots

Tatar: Imposition of Solution Offered to Turkish Cypriots

The martyrs of Çınarlı were commemorated in a ceremony, where President Tatar expressed that an imposition of solution is being offered to the Turkish Cypriots. He emphasized being confronted with a scheme that aims to terminate Turkey's guarantorship and withdraw Turkish troops from the island.

Publish Date: 03/06/24 16:22
reading time: 2 min.
Tatar: Imposition of Solution Offered to Turkish Cypriots
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President Ersin Tatar, in his speech at the ceremony, stated, "We neither forget nor let our martyrs be forgotten; we owe these days to them." He added, "Our message from here is that our struggle continues. Because there are still embargoes and isolations imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people with some international intrigues."

Tatar pointed out that an imposition of solution is being offered to the Turkish Cypriots, expressing, "We are confronted with a scheme that aims to end Turkey's guarantorship and withdraw Turkish troops from the island." He affirmed, "With the support of the motherland Turkey, the TRNC will be perpetuated, and if there is to be an agreement, the TRNC must be part of it."

Highlighting the significance of Turkey's support to prevent the Turkish Cypriots from going back to the pre-1974 era, Tatar reiterated the necessity of accepting sovereign equality and equal international status with a two-state solution in possible negotiations.

President Tatar also reminded that the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Turkish Peace Operation will be celebrated in the coming days, emphasizing the importance of July 20 for the Turkish Cypriot people and stating that the TRNC is an undeniable reality accepted worldwide.

He concluded by saying, "Despite some difficulties in recognition, the whole world knows that there are two separate states, two peoples, and two separate democracies in Cyprus, and the reality of the TRNC is an undeniable reality."

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