reading time: 1 min.

2,592 Penalties Issued, 228 Vehicles Impounded, 8 Arrests Made

2,592 Penalties Issued, 228 Vehicles Impounded, 8 Arrests Made

During the period of June 10-16 in Northern Cyprus, nationwide traffic controls led to a total of 2,592 penal actions, including fines and other measures. Police conducted these checks across the country, resulting in a range of penalties and measures aimed at ensuring traffic safety.

Publish Date: 20/06/24 16:12
reading time: 1 min.
2,592 Penalties Issued, 228 Vehicles Impounded, 8 Arrests Made
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Among the violations detected, speeding offenses topped the list with 1,043 instances, followed by 176 cases of driving without a seatbelt, 137 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol, and numerous other infractions including driving without a license, using a mobile phone while driving, disregarding traffic signs, and operating vehicles without the required permits.

Additionally, 228 vehicles were impounded due to various violations, and 8 drivers were arrested for serious offenses, reflecting the rigorous enforcement efforts during this period to uphold traffic regulations and ensure public safety on the roads of Northern Cyprus.

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