reading time: 2 min.

New Bill Proposes Increasing Penalty for Causing Death by Dangerous Driving from 7 to 10 Years

New Bill Proposes Increasing Penalty for Causing Death by Dangerous Driving from 7 to 10 Years

The "Road Safety (Amendment) Bill" proposes increasing the penalty for causing death by dangerous driving from 7 to 10 years. Additionally, to combat high accident rates associated with high blood alcohol levels, drivers with an alcohol level above 150 mg/100ml will no longer receive fixed penalties but will be directly referred to court. If passed, this bill will end the era of "administrative penalties" without trial.

Publish Date: 23/06/24 19:50
reading time: 2 min.
New Bill Proposes Increasing Penalty for Causing Death by Dangerous Driving from 7 to 10 Years
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The Committee on Legal, Political, and External Affairs recently reviewed the "Road Safety (Amendment) Bill," which has been a topic of public discussion for some time.

The bill underwent a general discussion and will be on the agenda for the next meeting as well.

Representatives from the Prime Ministry, the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, the Attorney General's Office, and the General Directorate of Police attended the committee meeting to present their views on the matter.

The bill has been revised to ensure more effective alcohol checks, with the aim of reducing the high accident rate among drivers with a blood alcohol level above 150 mg/100ml by referring these drivers directly to court instead of issuing fixed penalties.

This measure is considered to be sustainable and not a legal burden.


In response to the increasing number of traffic accidents, the "Road Safety (Amendment) Bill" was presented for public consultation, proposing deterrent penalties.

Drivers caught with alcohol levels above the legal limit could face fines up to 15 times the gross minimum wage. There is, however, no consensus yet on whether this penalty is too high or too low.

Additionally, amendments to the Penal Code propose increasing the maximum sentence for causing death while driving from 7 years to 10 years.

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