reading time: 2 min.

Legislative Year Concludes Today

Legislative Year Concludes Today

The legislative year concludes today as the General Assembly meets for its final session. After today's oversight duties, the Assembly will adjourn for the summer recess, resuming the new legislative year in the first week of October.

Publish Date: 25/06/24 13:30
reading time: 2 min.
Legislative Year Concludes Today
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Despite the recess, parliamentary committees will continue their work during the summer months. A resolution allowing committee activities during the parliamentary break was unanimously approved yesterday.

The General Assembly is expected to hold extraordinary sessions to discuss pending legislation. In yesterday's session, the Assembly approved the postponement of several bills to the first extraordinary session. These include the "Approval Law for the Implementation Protocol of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Project between the Government of the Republic of Turkey and the Government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus," the "Approval Law for the Memorandum of Understanding in the Field of Construction between the Government of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Government of the Republic of Turkey," the "Cyprus Turkish Realtors Association Law Proposal," the "Housing Acquisition (Amendment) Law Proposal," and the "Medals and Decorations (Amendment) Law Proposal."

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