reading time: 1 min.

CHP Leader Invites Former Ministers to Cyprus Peace Operation Anniversary

CHP Leader Invites Former Ministers to Cyprus Peace Operation Anniversary

CHP Chairman Özgür Özel has invited former ministers who were involved in the Cyprus Peace Operation to the 50th anniversary events. According to Medyascope, Özel will attend the event in Northern Cyprus on July 20, 2024, alongside 174 veterans of the Cyprus conflict.

Publish Date: 25/06/24 15:22
reading time: 1 min.
CHP Leader Invites Former Ministers to Cyprus Peace Operation Anniversary
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Former Public Works Minister Erol Çevikçe will be unable to attend due to health reasons, but Önder Sav, who served as Labor Minister during Deniz Baykal's tenure as CHP leader and was General Secretary of the party, has accepted Özel's invitation.

It has also been noted that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan invited Özel to Cyprus during his reciprocal visit to the CHP. CHP sources emphasized that Özel's attendance at the anniversary events has been planned for some time, recalling his first visit to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus after assuming the party leadership.

On July 20, it is expected that Erdoğan and Özel will be joined in Cyprus by other opposition leaders.


Source: Medyascope

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