reading time: 4 min.

Erhürman Met with CHP Leader Özel in Ankara

Erhürman Met with CHP Leader Özel in Ankara

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman continues his visit to Turkey, recently meeting with the leader of the Republican People's Party (CHP), Özgür Özel, at the CHP Headquarters in Ankara. This meeting follows Erhürman's visit to the Justice and Development Party (AKP).

Publish Date: 26/06/24 14:43
reading time: 4 min.
Erhürman Met with CHP Leader Özel in Ankara
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CTP Deputy Fikri Toros shared the following statement on social media regarding the meeting:

"As the General Secretary of the Republican Turkish Party and Foreign Relations Secretary, we had a comprehensive and productive meeting this morning at the CHP Headquarters with General Chairman Mr. Özgür Özel and Mr. İlhan Uzgel, lasting an hour and a half. We thank Mr. Özel for his warm hospitality..."

Erhürman's Remarks on the Importance of Relations

During the visit, Erhürman expressed his gratitude for the invitation and hospitality shown by Özel. He emphasized the importance of the relationship between the two parties, which he described as politically akin and both members of the Socialist International.

Erhürman stated, "Our interactions are extremely important for the relations between the Turkish Republic and the TRNC and between our two peoples. As CTP, we always advocate for establishing good relations on the right ground with Turkey and between our two peoples. The efforts of our parties in this direction will significantly contribute to this."

He also mentioned that the CHP would be visiting Cyprus on July 20th, strengthening their relationship further. Erhürman highlighted the significant topics for discussion, including the Cyprus issue and other matters of mutual concern between Cyprus and Turkey. He expressed confidence that through collaboration and consultation, the two parties could find correct solutions to these issues.

Özel's Commitment to Cyprus

In a joint press conference following their meeting, Özel reaffirmed his commitment to following the rightful cause of Northern Cyprus and working together for the most inclusive and peaceful solutions for the future of the citizens of Northern Cyprus. He emphasized the aim of making their parties the ruling parties in their respective countries in the upcoming elections, believing this would bring better days for both Cyprus and Turkey.

Özel also shared details about their planned visit to Cyprus for the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, led by former CHP leader and Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit. He mentioned plans to invite key figures from that time, such as Önder Sav, despite some health constraints preventing full participation.

Strengthening Party Relations

Özel stressed the importance of developing the long-standing relations between CTP and CHP, not only through mutual visits but also through collaboration in international platforms like the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the Socialist International.

Both leaders agreed that continued cooperation and mutual support between CTP and CHP are essential for the benefit of their communities and the broader goal of peace and stability in the region.

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