reading time: 2 min.

UK Parties Express Support for Federal Solution in Cyprus Ahead of Elections

UK Parties Express Support for Federal Solution in Cyprus Ahead of Elections

In light of the upcoming elections on July 4th, major political parties in the UK have expressed their support for a federal solution in Cyprus.

Publish Date: 26/06/24 15:21
reading time: 2 min.
UK Parties Express Support for Federal Solution in Cyprus Ahead of Elections
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According to reports, the United Kingdom's major parties have conveyed messages of support for a federal solution in Cyprus in the context of the elections scheduled for July 4th.

Alithia newspaper reported that the "National Cyprus Federation" in the UK received messages of support for a federal solution from major British parties ahead of the country's upcoming elections.

The newspaper highlighted messages sent to the "Cyprus" community in the UK by Conservative Party leader Richard Holden and Shadow Europe Minister Steven Doughty.

According to the report, Conservative Party leader Richard Holden emphasized in a video message to the "Cyprus" community that the Conservative Party has always supported efforts by "Cypriots" to resolve the Cyprus issue.

Holden also stressed that any solution should be based on UN resolutions and should be a bicommunal, bizonal federation.

Additionally, Holden acknowledged the continuous support provided to Southern Cyprus by North London MP Teresa Villiers.

Speaking on behalf of the Labour Party, Shadow Europe Minister Steven Doughty expressed pride in the dynamic "Cyprus" community due to the close historical and strategic ties between the two countries.

Doughty pledged that a Labour government would work towards developing this relationship, emphasizing that a Labour government would strive for a solution to the Cyprus issue based on a bicommunal, bizonal federation.

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