reading time: 3 min.

Arrest Warrant Issued for Martin Josef Rikels Over Missing Testimony on Greek Cypriot Properties

Arrest Warrant Issued for Martin Josef Rikels Over Missing Testimony on Greek Cypriot Properties

An arrest warrant has been issued for German national Martin Josef Rikels, residing in Northern Cyprus, for failing to testify in South Cyprus regarding the use and sale of Greek Cypriot properties. Rikels was expected to provide his statement yesterday but did not appear.

Publish Date: 27/06/24 14:06
reading time: 3 min.
Arrest Warrant Issued for Martin Josef Rikels Over Missing Testimony on Greek Cypriot Properties
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According to Haravgi newspaper, neither Rikels nor his lawyer attended the scheduled testimony in South Cyprus. Police Spokesman Christos Andreu stated to the Cyprus News Agency (CNA) that the arrest warrant was issued yesterday afternoon, not merely due to his absence but based on recent testimonies justifying the warrant.

Andreu revealed that Rikels faces charges of illegal use and possession of land registered to others. He confirmed that neither Rikels nor his attorney appeared to give a statement.

Greek Cypriot Properties in the North

Politis newspaper reported on the growing wave of "looting" of Greek Cypriot properties in the north by foreigners. The article highlighted recent events, including the arrest of AFIK Group CEO Simon Mistriel Aykut and the issuance of an arrest warrant for a German national, suggesting a significant increase in the sale of Greek Cypriot properties by foreign companies.

The report also mentioned an American company, "DND Homes," founded by a person of Turkish descent, promising to bring Americans to the north and opening an office there.

DISY MP and member of the House Refugee Committee, Nikos Yeorgiou, wrote to Foreign Minister Konstantinos Kombos, requesting information on "DND Homes" and the measures taken. He also inquired about any actions taken towards the US Embassy.

AKEL MP and House Refugee Committee Chairman Nikos Kettiros expressed concerns about the increased "looting" of Greek Cypriot properties from Davlos to Karpasia in the north. He claimed that non-Turkish Cypriot owned properties are being illegally invested in, asserting that these properties belonged solely to Greek Cypriots before 1974.

Kettiros added that the House Refugee Committee is unaware of any actions taken by the government or the Attorney General's office regarding these incidents.

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