reading time: 3 min.

International Arrest Warrant Possible for Martin Josef Rikels

International Arrest Warrant Possible for Martin Josef Rikels

An international arrest warrant may be issued for Martin Josef Rikels, a German national residing in Northern Cyprus, who has been summoned to Southern Cyprus to give a statement regarding the utilization and sale of Greek Cypriot properties. Rikels failed to appear for his statement, leading to the potential for an international arrest warrant.

Publish Date: 28/06/24 14:00
reading time: 3 min.
International Arrest Warrant Possible for Martin Josef Rikels
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The news, prominently covered by the Greek Cypriot press, reports that Rikels is implicated in the "misappropriation of Greek Cypriot properties" in Northern Cyprus. The Politis newspaper detailed that Rikels faces charges of conspiracy to commit a crime, fraudulent transactions involving foreign properties, unlawful possession and use of land, and the laundering of proceeds from illegal activities.

The arrest warrant for Rikels was issued based on new testimonies and findings that have emerged, linking him to the misappropriation cases. Despite being summoned to provide a statement to the Greek Cypriot police recently, Rikels did not comply. According to Greek Cypriot police spokesperson Christos Andreu, the arrest warrant is related to these new testimonies rather than Rikels’ failure to appear for the statement.

Rikels reportedly requested a postponement of his appearance due to health reasons, which was denied. If Rikels cannot be located, European or international arrest warrants may be issued, complicating the Greek Cypriot authorities' efforts due to Rikels’ residence in Northern Cyprus.

In an article subtitled "Transatlantic Headache," it was reported that Greek Cypriot authorities are also investigating DND Homes, an American company involved in housing development projects in Northern Cyprus. Founded by a Turkish individual, the company operates not only in Northern Cyprus but also in Massachusetts and Florida, USA. DISY MP Nikos Georgiou has raised this issue with the Greek Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

A diplomatic source mentioned to the press that there is a legal framework for addressing the "plundering of Greek Cypriot properties" and emphasized that appropriate actions will be taken. The same source confirmed that the matter involving the American company is under review by the relevant state authorities and will be handled accordingly.

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