reading time: 3 min.

Tatar Calls on Business People in Manchester to Invest in TRNC

Tatar Calls on Business People in Manchester to Invest in TRNC

President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) has called on businesspeople in Manchester to invest in the TRNC.

Publish Date: 28/06/24 14:39
reading time: 3 min.
Tatar Calls on Business People in Manchester to Invest in TRNC
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President Tatar began his engagements in Manchester, where he was welcomed by the Consul General of Turkey in Manchester, Onur Sayın, and the TRNC Representative to London, Çimen Keskin, along with other officials.

During his visit, President Tatar first met with regional members of the UK Parliament, Yasmin Qureshi and Afzal Khan, and former Manchester mayor, Yasmine Dar, despite the UK Parliament being closed for the general election on July 4th. He also had a meeting with the Mayor of Blackburn, Brian Taylor.

President Tatar held discussions with local businesspeople, emphasizing that the TRNC is a developing country in its region, progressing in various sectors despite facing isolation. He highlighted the increasing foreign investments in the TRNC and expressed the significant importance they place on the UK, where many Turkish Cypriots reside. Tatar mentioned his frequent visits to the UK to meet with members of the UK Parliament and citizens.

Tatar called for support from the UK, a guarantor country, particularly in opening up direct trade and direct flights, seeking backing from Parliament members in this regard.

In his meetings, Tatar invited businesspeople to invest in the TRNC, stressing that the country continues to develop its infrastructure and grow in sectors such as tourism and education. He provided insights into the historical context of Cyprus, pointing out that there are currently two states on the island. Tatar discussed potential collaborations with the South in various fields, including energy.

Tatar emphasized that a fair and sustainable solution in Cyprus should be based on current realities and not revert to past situations. He expressed a desire to work towards an agreement that would lead Cyprus into the future.

Highlighting the significant presence of British nationals living in the TRNC, Tatar underscored the importance of direct flights and expressed hope for support from the UK Parliament in the new term for direct flights to and from the TRNC.

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