reading time: 5 min.

Prime Minister Üstel: We Have Ensured Stability in the Country

Prime Minister Üstel: We Have Ensured Stability in the Country

Prime Minister Ünal Üstel emphasized that after modernizing Ercan Airport, they will also bring the sea ports to contemporary standards.

Publish Date: 28/06/24 14:53
reading time: 5 min.
Prime Minister Üstel: We Have Ensured Stability in the Country
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Speaking at the Delivery Ceremony of the Mobile X-RAY Screening System at Famagusta Port, Üstel expressed his pleasure in hosting Turkey's Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat and his delegation in the TRNC, greeting all those witnessing this important day.

Highlighting that they have established top-level relations with Turkey and ensured stability in the country, Üstel stated, "We are executing projects one by one." He recalled that on the day they took office, they announced their intention to work with Turkey on the highest level with cooperation protocols to advance the economy and complete any pending projects.

"We Witnessed How Great a Project We Undertook Together"

Üstel underscored that during the tenure of Prime Minister İrsen Küçük, they accomplished the "century's project" with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, noting that the arrival of water from Anatolia to the Geçitköy Dam was a historic first. Pointing out the ongoing drought, Üstel remarked, "We witnessed how great a project we undertook, all together." He mentioned that they have provided drinking water to all villages and are now focusing on agriculture, having connected Güzelyurt's citrus orchards and agricultural lands with water from Turkey, with the project's third phase set to complete by year-end.

"Initiating Action for the Mesaoria Plain"

Üstel mentioned that they have also initiated action for the Mesaoria Plain, stating that the tender has been completed and work is proceeding rapidly. He asserted that within three years at the latest, this project will also be completed, emphasizing a shift to irrigated farming by largely abandoning wheat and barley cultivation.

Reflecting on the journey from unstable governments to the present, Üstel emphasized their establishment of top-level relations with Turkey and ensuring stability in the country, noting their successful implementation of various projects.

"We Modernized Ercan Airport, Now it's Time for Our Ports…"

Üstel stated, "We have modernized Ercan Airport into a contemporary airport, and now it's time for our ports…" He highlighted a 40% increase in passenger arrivals at the airport within less than a year. Mentioning their collaboration with Turkey, Üstel announced the addition of a 15,000-ton cold storage facility in Güzelyurt, aiming to complete it by the citrus season of 2024, which will use self-generated energy for cooling and expand to 40,000 tons within four years.

Mobile X-Ray Screening System to Be Added to Girne Port

Pointing out congestion at customs where trucks wait for days, Üstel announced that the Mobile X-RAY Screening System will start operating at Famagusta Port today to facilitate economic advancement and expedite trade. He confirmed that the same device will be added to Girne Port within one and a half to two months, renewing X-Ray machines for baggage checks to ensure smoother border operations.

“We Differ from Palestine; We Have the Republic of Turkey”

Discussing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, Üstel noted that only the Turkish President, government, and people have spoken out, criticizing the absence of voices from elsewhere, including the European Union, Security Council, and United Nations. He stated, "We are not strangers to these issues; we have also experienced these hardships, but on July 20, 1974, we achieved our freedom through the Peace Operation. But we differ from Palestine; we have the Republic of Turkey."

“No Matter What the South Does, We Strengthen Our Relations with the Motherland”

Üstel emphasized their top-level relations with Turkey, stating that they are meeting the needs of the people and implementing projects. He mentioned that they signed the largest protocol in history with Turkish Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz in Ankara just 15 days ago, noting that the 16 billion TL support will be allocated to projects and infrastructure. Thanking Turkish President Erdoğan, Yılmaz, and other officials on behalf of the Turkish Cypriot people, Üstel wished success for the Mobile X-RAY Screening System.

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