reading time: 1 min.

Details Released on Accident Resulting in Death of 61-Year-Old Anastasiou

Details Released on Accident Resulting in Death of 61-Year-Old Anastasiou

Police have released details regarding an accident today at the Bostancı traffic lights on the Güzelyurt-Lefke main road, resulting in the death of 61-year-old Charalambos Anastasiou, a resident of South Cyprus.

Publish Date: 28/06/24 15:00
reading time: 1 min.
Details Released on Accident Resulting in Death of 61-Year-Old Anastasiou
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The incident occurred around 14:50, where Kenan Aşan (E-40), driving a sedan with license plate UK 872, allegedly continued towards Lefke direction from the second lane on the left at excessive speed and without stopping despite the red traffic light, colliding with the vehicle (license plate PYN 362) driven by Charalambos Anastasiou traveling from Güzelyurt towards Bostancı along İzzet Kombos Boulevard.

According to the statement, Charalambos Anastasiou, the driver of the PYN 362 vehicle, was fatally injured despite efforts made at Nicosia's Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital. The driver of the UK 872 vehicle, along with passengers Murat Akbalık (E-23) and Özlem Polat (K-26), who were injured in the accident, are currently under observation at the same hospital after receiving treatment.

The investigation into the incident is ongoing, as emphasized in the statement.

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