reading time: 4 min.

Mother Who Attempted to Kill Her Son Found Criminally Responsible, Sent to Prison!

Mother Who Attempted to Kill Her Son Found Criminally Responsible, Sent to Prison!

In Nicosia, N.Y., who was arrested for attempting to kill her 9-year-old son on June 9, 2024, appeared before court today for a bail hearing.

Publish Date: 28/06/24 15:13
reading time: 4 min.
Mother Who Attempted to Kill Her Son Found Criminally Responsible, Sent to Prison!
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Police officer Emrah Turgal testified in court regarding the matter. Turgal stated that the suspect N.Y., on June 9, 2024, around 15:00, meticulously planned to strangle her 9-year-old son with a bathrobe belt she had taken from a hotel in Kyrenia where she had stayed the day before due to her deteriorating mental state.


Police reported that the suspect, who was arrested after the incident, was detained and taken to court three times, and they were ordered to remain in custody for a total of 18 days. The police explained that the suspect had been examined at the Peace Mind and Nerve Diseases Hospital and obtained a report. The police revealed that, according to the report, the suspect has criminal liability both during the incident and currently.


The police officer suggested that the crimes committed by the suspect be considered by the High Criminal Court and requested that the suspect be remanded in custody. Prosecutor Hasan Boşnak asked questions about the incident. The police stated that the suspect had been on holiday with her family at a hotel in Kyrenia the day before the incident, had bought a bathrobe belt there, and had committed the crime an hour after returning from vacation. The police said that the suspect strangled her son and told her wife in the courtyard of their neighbors' house, "I killed my son by suffocating him." The police said the suspect's wife called an ambulance after seeing the child unconscious and lying on the carpet.


The police said that the carpet at the scene and the bathrobe belt were taken as evidence. The police officer stated that the suspect said in her statement that she committed the crime because her psychology was broken. Prosecutor Hassan Boşnak also asked about the child's current status. The police said that the child was staying with his father, received regular psychologist support, and said that his father saw him last night. The father is called to check for an ambulance.

Prosecutor Hasan Boşnak said that the crimes committed by the suspect were one of the worst crimes of law, so he might receive severe imprisonment if he were found guilty, so he requested to detain the suspect.

Zanlının avukatı, müvekkilinin 2018 yılında Barış Ruh'ta tedavi gördüğünü, halen ilaç kullandığını ve halan çocukların bir vakıa olduğunu kaydetti.

Yargıç Zehra Yalkut Bilgeç verdiği şahadetiyle değerlendirilmiştir, zanlının işlediği iddia edilen suçların ciddiyetine vurgu yaptı. Kararında tüm öğeleri değerlendirdi ve zanlının 3 ayı aşmayacak bir süreyle cezaevine gönderilmesi amacıyla tutuklu yargılanmasına karar verdi.

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