reading time: 2 min.

Arıklı Announces Resolution of Disputed Points in Northern Ring Road Project

Arıklı Announces Resolution of Disputed Points in Northern Ring Road Project

Transport and Public Works Minister Erhan Arıklı has announced that disputed issues in the Northern Ring Road Project, initiated in 2012, have been resolved. He emphasized that construction work will swiftly commence following the settlement of property acquisition issues.

Publish Date: 28/06/24 15:19
reading time: 2 min.
Arıklı Announces Resolution of Disputed Points in Northern Ring Road Project
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Speaking to BRT TV via telephone, Minister Arıklı highlighted the project's potential to significantly alleviate traffic issues in the Nicosia area. He explained that despite significant progress in the project, delays were encountered due to legal hurdles associated with property acquisitions.

Arıklı lamented a constitutional provision whereby all land acquisition processes halt upon the filing of a court appeal, regardless of its outcome. He described this provision as restrictive, hindering infrastructure development.

The Northern Ring Road spans 14 kilometers and aims to alleviate traffic congestion around the Gönyeli Roundabout. Arıklı underscored the necessity of this road and associated overpass junctions in addressing local traffic challenges effectively.

Updating on recent developments, Arıklı mentioned resolving around 17 interim court orders related to the project, with final agreements reached and payments made. He expressed relief that legal impediments have been cleared, allowing construction to proceed without further delay.

According to Arıklı, construction of the road is expected to take approximately one year, linking the Northern Ring Road to Alayköy Roundabout as planned. He also noted that similar legal issues have delayed various other road projects across the country, including the Değirmenlik-Girne mountain road.

Arıklı concluded by affirming the government's commitment to infrastructure development and the importance of overcoming legal challenges to progress effectively.

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