reading time: 3 min.

Tatar: Common Ground Requires Affirmation of Sovereign Equality and Equal Status

Tatar: Common Ground Requires Affirmation of Sovereign Equality and Equal Status

President Ersin Tatar emphasized that as long as the Turkish Cypriot people are not seen as equals and a solution based on equality is not accepted, there can be no common ground for negotiations in Cyprus.

Publish Date: 01/07/24 13:41
reading time: 3 min.
Tatar: Common Ground Requires Affirmation of Sovereign Equality and Equal Status
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President Tatar stressed that "the required common ground for a new and official process can only be found through the affirmation of our sovereign equality and equal international status."

President Tatar shared his views with the Turkish News Agency Cyprus ahead of his meeting today with Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General.

Tatar stated that Holguin would come to London specifically to meet with him and mentioned that the Personal Representative had also met with the Greek Cypriot leader in Brussels.

He noted that Holguin’s term is coming to an end and that she will soon submit her report to the UN Secretary-General.

Tatar explained that Holguin's 6-month mandate involved assessing whether there is common ground between the two sides for initiating a new and official process in Cyprus. During this period, he said, they had conveyed the realities to the Personal Representative, who has met with all parties and seen that there is no common ground.

Summarizing the initial steps that can be taken to affirm the Turkish Cypriot people's sovereign equality and equal international status, which he referred to as the "3Ds" — direct flights, direct trade, and direct contact — President Tatar highlighted the importance of implementing these rights. He noted that the Greek Cypriots do not view the Turkish Cypriot people as equals and seek a solution not based on equality but on their own state’s terms.

In the upcoming meeting, President Tatar stated that they would conduct a situation assessment with Holguin in a constructive manner. He expressed that the Cyprus issue has remained unresolved due to the Greek Cypriot side's maximalist attitudes, which do not embrace sharing and equality, and he believes Holguin has also observed this ongoing stance from the Greek Cypriot leadership.

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