reading time: 3 min.

Christodoulides: Mia Milia Crossing Would Have Already Been Opened If Tatar Truly Wanted It

Christodoulides: Mia Milia Crossing Would Have Already Been Opened If Tatar Truly Wanted It

Nikos Christodoulides, President of the Republic of Cyprus, responded to President Ersin Tatar's proposal to open a border crossing at Haspolat, stating, "If he truly wanted it to open, the Mia Milia crossing would have already been opened."

Publish Date: 01/07/24 14:53
reading time: 3 min.
Christodoulides: Mia Milia Crossing Would Have Already Been Opened If Tatar Truly Wanted It
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Christodoulides' remarks came in response to recent statements by President Tatar regarding the establishment of a border crossing at Haspolat, as reported by Fileleftheros and other newspapers.

When asked about President Tatar's upcoming meeting with the UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy Maria Angela Holguin in London and whether it would take place at the TRNC representative office, Christodoulides acknowledged knowing that the meeting would occur on July 1st in London but stated he was unaware of the specific venue.

Responding to queries about Tatar's repeated proposals to the Greek Cypriot side and Secretary-General Guterres for the establishment of a border crossing for commercial vehicles at Haspolat under the Green Line Regulation to reduce congestion at the Metehan Border Crossing, Christodoulides remarked, "We have received proposals, not through the media, but in writing. If he truly wanted to open that barrier, I can tell you it could have been opened last month."

Christodoulides emphasized his longstanding efforts, both through the UN and via Holguin, to address the issue of "barriers," noting, "We have submitted written proposals." He also expressed alignment with Holguin and the Secretary-General in their efforts to initiate substantive negotiations on the Cyprus issue.

Regarding his recent meeting with Holguin, where they discussed various aspects of the Cyprus problem, Christodoulides indicated that he would convene the Greek National Council next Friday to discuss and decide on future steps.

When asked about the balance between procedural and substantive issues concerning the Cyprus problem, Christodoulides asserted, "When it comes to the Cyprus problem, both procedural and substantive aspects carry equal importance."

In a related development, the newspaper Athienu reported that residents originating from Kiracıköy (Athienou) sent a letter to President Christodoulides, urging him not to accept the opening of any other crossing unless it includes the opening of the Piroi (Gaziler) crossing. The purported "mayor" of Athienou, Kiriakos Kareklas, conveyed this request in response to reports in the Turkish Cypriot media about President Tatar's intention to propose the opening of a border crossing at Haspolat during his meeting with Holguin.

The statement from the so-called municipality underscored the residents' stance that unless the Piroi crossing is included, they do not accept the opening of any other crossing, and they expect Christodoulides to convey this position to Holguin as well.

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