reading time: 2 min.

Guterres to Decide Next Steps on Cyprus Issue

Guterres to Decide Next Steps on Cyprus Issue

The decision on the next steps for resolving the Cyprus issue will be made by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres following a report from his personal advisor, Maria Angela Holguin.

Publish Date: 02/07/24 13:23
reading time: 2 min.
Guterres to Decide Next Steps on Cyprus Issue
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According to Politis newspaper, Holguin has recently met with Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Christodoulides and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar. After his meeting with Holguin, Tatar stated that it is clear there is currently no common ground for negotiations.

Holguin is expected to present her report on July 10. Based on information obtained by the newspaper, Guterres will personally inform the people of Cyprus about the future course of action once he receives the report. The report's findings will significantly influence the steps Guterres will take regarding the Cyprus problem.

Government Spokesperson Konstantinos Letimbiotis emphasized that the mandate and responsibilities given to Holguin were directly assigned by Guterres, and there is no question of altering the agreed framework. Letimbiotis reiterated their commitment to a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation based on political equality, which can address the concerns of both Greek and Turkish Cypriots.

Meanwhile, Turkey insists that Holguin’s term is limited to six months and will end within a week. During his visit to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Turkish Minister of Labor Vedat Işıkhan expressed hope that Holguin would provide an objective and sincere assessment in her report at the end of her term.

Diplomatic efforts are now focusing on the UN General Assembly meeting in New York in September, where the possibility of trilateral or multilateral meetings remains open.

Headlines Reflecting Tatar-Holguin Meeting:

Fileleftheros: "Tatar Urges End to Holguin's Mandate"

Alithia: "Tatar Lodges Complaint with Holguin"

Haravgi: "Tatar Declares Holguin's Term Has Ended"

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