reading time: 4 min.

Foreign Ministry: It's High Time for PACE to Show a Clear Stance

Foreign Ministry: It's High Time for PACE to Show a Clear Stance

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has criticized the recent report on Varosha approved by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), stating, "It's high time for PACE to show a clear stance."

Publish Date: 02/07/24 13:27
reading time: 4 min.
Foreign Ministry: It's High Time for PACE to Show a Clear Stance
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The Ministry emphasized that the report distorts historical facts, ignores the atrocities and human rights violations faced by the Turkish Cypriot people, and falsely portrays the Greek Cypriot community as the sole victims in the Cyprus issue.

The Ministry's statement highlighted that the decision once again demonstrates that the Council of Europe is acting under the influence of the Greek Cypriot Administration (GCA). The statement also noted that the report contains unfounded claims about the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and overlooks the fact that the Greek Cypriot leadership is responsible for the lack of an agreement in Cyprus.

In a written statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the Varosha report approved by the PACE General Assembly on June 27 and provided evaluations on the report.

The statement pointed out that despite the Turkish side's efforts, only partial constructive views and suggestions could be reflected in the report due to pressures exerted by the Greek side on both the rapporteur and committee members. "Firstly, the decision confirms that the Immovable Property Commission (IPC), established to handle Greek Cypriot property claims, is recognized by the European Court of Human Rights as an effective domestic remedy. Additionally, the decision openly references the isolation imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people," the statement said.

"TRNC Will Continue to Take Necessary Steps to Maintain the IPC's Effectiveness"

The statement emphasized that the TRNC will continue to take all necessary steps to maintain the effectiveness of the IPC, which guarantees the property regime in the country. "Varosha is within the borders of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and under the full sovereignty of our State. We reiterate that the opening of Varosha is designed in a manner that respects property rights guaranteed under international law and the European Convention on Human Rights," the statement added.

The call by PACE to initiate a political process for an agreement based on tried and failed models in Cyprus was described as "an insincere approach." The statement indicated that all parties wishing to contribute to a lasting settlement on the island should start taking steps to recognize the inherent rights of the Turkish Cypriot people, including their sovereign equality and equal international status.

"It's High Time for PACE to Show a Clear Stance"

The statement concluded, "It’s high time for PACE to support a two-state solution in light of the current realities on the island and to demonstrate a clear stance by lifting the embargoes and isolations imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people without any conditions."

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