reading time: 3 min.

Women from Both Communities Gather for "Solidarity Event"

Women from Both Communities Gather for "Solidarity Event"

The Cyprus Women's Coalition for Two Communities (CWBC) reported that over 200 women participated in a meeting held at Ledra Palace.

Publish Date: 02/07/24 15:55
reading time: 3 min.
Women from Both Communities Gather for "Solidarity Event"
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The event, supported by the Embassy of Ireland and UNFICYP, emphasized the need for an urgent resolution to the Cyprus issue based on the agreed UN framework and current efforts.

According to CWBC, discussions at the meeting focused on ensuring full, equal, and meaningful participation of women at the negotiation table throughout all stages of the negotiation process. It highlighted the inclusion of a gender perspective in negotiations and promoting a culture of peace and reconciliation to strengthen women's role in peacebuilding.

The CWBC statement called for all participants and women in Cyprus to unite their strengths, form strong alliances, and work together more effectively towards achieving these goals.

The meeting also underscored the intense interest among all women to be part of this initiative and emphasized the formation of a stronger coalition of Cypriot women.

Statement Highlights:

In summarizing their stance, CWBC stated:

"The resumption of negotiations and the gradual, results-oriented resolution of the Cyprus issue are of utmost importance and urgency.

"The appointment of UN Secretary-General's Personal Representative, Ms. Maria Angela Holguín Cuéllar, has created an opportunity that must not be missed. In this context, CWBC informed participants about a letter addressed to the UN Secretary-General urging a bold decision to extend Ms. Holguín's term, providing additional time for all stakeholders to intensify efforts and gain international support to achieve the desired outcome.

"CWBC reiterated its commitment to mobilize Cypriot women to positively contribute to Ms. Holguín's efforts in achieving our goals...

"Women can and must play a leading role in reconciliation and cooperation efforts to achieve and build peace. CWBC operates on principles of dialogue, reconciliation, inclusivity, and transparency...

"The consensus emerging from the views expressed by many participants is that an urgent resolution to the Cyprus issue concerns us all. Moreover, it was stressed by numerous women that for success this time, the negotiation process must be different. It needs to be more inclusive, participatory, transparent, and redesigned not solely dependent on two leaders. Women, youth, and civil society must play a decisive role in negotiations..."

The event signifies a strong push towards involving women more actively in the peace process and underscores the community's commitment to finding a sustainable resolution to the Cyprus issue.

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