reading time: 2 min.

Arıklı: The Real Cause of Accidents is Excessive Speed, Not Dark Roads!

Arıklı: The Real Cause of Accidents is Excessive Speed, Not Dark Roads!

Public Works and Transportation Minister Erhan Arıklı emphasized that the primary causes of traffic accidents are excessive speed and mobile phone use, rather than poor or dark roads. Speaking on the "Sabah Postası" program hosted by Gökhan Altıner on Kıbrıs Postası TV, Arıklı discussed various issues on the agenda.

Publish Date: 03/07/24 13:39
reading time: 2 min.
Arıklı: The Real Cause of Accidents is Excessive Speed, Not Dark Roads!
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Arıklı dismissed the notion that bad and dark roads are the reasons behind traffic accidents, stating, "None of this year's accidents have been due to road conditions; they have all been caused by excessive speed and phone use." He added, "No roads in the world are fully illuminated. Citizens blame dark roads after every accident. If the roads are bad, you should drive slowly."

He acknowledged the need for improvements, particularly on the Northern Ring Road, and admitted that although it is their duty to illuminate the roads, they currently lack the necessary funds. Arıklı elaborated:

"There is a cost estimate of two and a half million dollars for lighting. We will need to generate resources; funds will come through tenders. Perhaps over time, it will be included in the budget. If I am given the budget, I will do what is necessary. When the budget was prepared, there were no funds. Prime Minister Ünal Üstel has also intervened. We will hand over roundabouts to private companies in exchange for advertising, and they will handle the lighting and landscaping. My greatest wish is to illuminate all main roads with LED lights."

Arıklı's comments highlight the ongoing challenges faced by the transportation ministry in securing adequate funding for infrastructure improvements while addressing public concerns over road safety.

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