reading time: 2 min.

Erdoğan to Meet Putin at Central Asian Summit

Erdoğan to Meet Putin at Central Asian Summit

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan took off for a visit to the Kazakh capital of Astana Wednesday morning for a meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a Beijing-led regional bloc that covers Central Asia, India, and Iran, where he is also scheduled to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Publish Date: 03/07/24 13:47
reading time: 2 min.
Erdoğan to Meet Putin at Central Asian Summit
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14 "dialogue partners," including Türkiye and several Gulf states, complement the nine-member bloc.

Alongside the forum's main sessions, Erdoğan is expected to hold bilateral meetings in the capital Astana, including one with his Russian counterpart, Putin.

The agenda of the meeting is expected to include a wide array of topics ranging from energy to trade and tourism, as well as bilateral, regional, and global issues. Erdoğan is expected to once again emphasize the importance of the fight against terrorism in Syria.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the leaders will also address the Ukraine war.

NATO member Türkiye is positioning itself as a possible mediator between Russia and Ukraine.

Erdoğan is also expected to discuss current situation in Gaza during both bilateral and summit meetings.

The summit will address concerns regarding energy, transportation, logistics, regional security, and infrastructure. The leaders' primary focus will be on the economy and international trade.

The leaders of Russia and China are seeking to harden anti-Western alliances and press their influence in the strategic Central Asian region.

Russia's close ally Belarus is expected to join the SCO at the meeting after being told at the 2023 summit that it would become a member.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was also set to address the two-day summit on Thursday.


Source: HDN 

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