reading time: 2 min.

Erdoğan: “Warming Waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Concern Us and Our Brotherly Countries the Most”

Erdoğan: “Warming Waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Concern Us and Our Brotherly Countries the Most”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan expressed concerns over the escalating tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, emphasizing that the situation primarily worries Turkey and its neighboring brotherly countries.

Publish Date: 03/07/24 14:07
reading time: 2 min.
Erdoğan: “Warming Waters in the Eastern Mediterranean Concern Us and Our Brotherly Countries the Most”
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Speaking on various issues, Erdoğan addressed Israel's aggressive actions and stated that as long as these acts are not restrained, no country in the region can feel secure. He also responded to criticisms regarding tea and wheat prices, reassuring that the government will continue to support farmers.

Evaluating the developments in the Eastern Mediterranean, Erdoğan highlighted Israel's expansionist aims and called for peace, dialogue, and diplomacy. He reminded that Turkey holds a strategically critical position at the crossroads of three continents.

“Our region has been the cradle of civilizations but also the center of conflicts throughout history,” Erdoğan remarked. He further elaborated: "Having such a geographical position provides our country with political, economic, and military advantages but also brings threats. The path to the First World War was paved in our region. Similarly, the focus of the Second World War was again our region.

During the Cold War, one of the areas where the competition between blocs intensified was our geography, with Turkey at the center. The Syrian crisis, now in its 13th year, has impacted our region the most. We are also among the regions most affected by the negative repercussions of the Russia-Ukraine war. Since October 7, the genocidal massacres committed by Israel in Gaza have deeply affected us. The heated waters of the Eastern Mediterranean, stirred by Israel's attacks on Gaza, are again most concerning for us and the neighboring brotherly countries."

Erdoğan’s comments underscore Turkey’s strategic concerns and its call for collective regional stability amidst rising tensions.

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