reading time: 4 min.

Tatar: Continuing Detentions and Arrests Over Property Issues Are Unacceptable

Tatar: Continuing Detentions and Arrests Over Property Issues Are Unacceptable

Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) President Ersin Tatar criticized recent detentions and arrests over property disputes, emphasizing that these actions are "absolutely unacceptable."

Publish Date: 03/07/24 14:11
reading time: 4 min.
Tatar: Continuing Detentions and Arrests Over Property Issues Are Unacceptable
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Tatar pointed out that the Immovable Property Commission (IPC), established with the approval of the European Court of Human Rights, is being sidelined after 20 years in favor of pursuing individuals, a practice he deems intolerable.

Tatar stressed the need to end these actions, stating that they lack a legal basis and announced plans to amplify their objections to the international community. He labeled the actions of the Greek Cypriot administration as "damaging" and noted that they have requested the attention of the UN Secretary-General on this matter.

Following a meeting with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative and Chief of Mission in Cyprus, Colin Stewart, Tatar addressed the press, highlighting several key points.

Stewart Informed About IPC

Tatar mentioned that in both his recent meeting with Maria Angela Holguin and his current meeting with Stewart, he underscored the necessity for the confirmation of the Turkish Cypriots' sovereign equality and equal international status as a precondition for any new negotiation process. He reiterated the Turkish Cypriots' demands for "3D" rights—direct flights, direct trade, and direct contacts—and noted that despite Holguin's positive reception, no progress has been made, leaving the Turkish Cypriots still at a disadvantage.

The property issue was a significant part of the discussion. Tatar conveyed technical and legal information about the IPC, which was approved by the European Union, and requested specific actions to be taken. He explained that the IPC serves as a remedy institution for properties left by Greek Cypriots in the North, offering instruments such as compensation, restitution, and exchange. Tatar also mentioned similar requests he made to Holguin during their meeting in London.

Reactions to Injustices Will Intensify

Tatar pointed out that under the post-1974 constitutional arrangement, Greek Cypriot properties in the North were expropriated and matched with properties left by Turkish Cypriots in the South, involving various applications, including sales and investments. He reiterated that the understanding in all negotiation processes has been that these issues would be resolved following a comprehensive agreement.

He highlighted the unacceptable nature of ongoing detentions and arrests, noting that these cases would be pursued in the courts of Southern Cyprus and subsequently appealed to the European Union courts, where he expects more favorable rulings regarding human rights.

Tatar accused Southern Cyprus of politicizing the issue and acting in a harmful manner. He assured that the TRNC's institutions would intensify their reactions to these tensions and injustices, bringing them to the attention of the international community. He communicated these concerns to Stewart and Holguin, requesting that the matter be brought to the UN Secretary-General's attention.

Tatar concluded by stating that discussions with the UN on various issues continue, reiterating that just as Southern Cyprus holds sovereignty, so does the Turkish Cypriot community. He maintained that the negotiation process can only start on this basis, a position they have held for four years and one that is unequivocally supported by Turkey.

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