reading time: 2 min.

Erhürman: Current Approach to Cyprus Issue Ineffective

Erhürman: Current Approach to Cyprus Issue Ineffective

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Leader Tufan Erhürman expressed concerns that the ongoing strategies for addressing the Cyprus issue are unlikely to yield positive results.

Publish Date: 04/07/24 13:43
reading time: 2 min.
Erhürman: Current Approach to Cyprus Issue Ineffective
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During an appearance on the "Sabah Postası" program hosted by Gökhan Altıner on Kıbrıs Postası TV, Erhürman stressed the need for effective engagement with the international community to prevent the problem from becoming more complex and to ease the resolution process.

Erhürman underscored that the Cyprus issue remains one of the country's most significant challenges, deeply impacting both domestic and foreign policies. He criticized the current policies, stating that they have failed to produce successful outcomes and that continuing with these strategies will only deepen the problem.

Discussing recent issues related to property and other sectors, Erhürman warned that the current approach poses various threats, particularly in areas like property, universities, and tourism. He pointed out that improper regulation of property sales to foreigners could lead to problems both domestically and internationally—a concern he has voiced for years. Although his predictions have proven accurate, Erhürman emphasized that this validation brings no satisfaction.

Erhürman highlighted the importance of developing solutions for the Cyprus issue that are aligned with international law. He argued that without establishing a healthy dialogue with the international community, achieving a resolution is impossible. "If solutions integrated with international law are not developed, finding a successful resolution to the Cyprus issue becomes unattainable," he stated. Erhürman concluded that failing to engage effectively with the international community will complicate the issue further and hinder the resolution process.

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