reading time: 2 min.

Senior Bureaucrat Detained for 3 Days

Senior Bureaucrat Detained for 3 Days

Oğuz Köse, the Private Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, who was arrested yesterday on allegations of irregularities in work permits, appeared in court today. He will be detained for 3 days as part of the investigation.

Publish Date: 05/07/24 13:43
Update Date: 05/07/24 14:25
reading time: 2 min.
Senior Bureaucrat Detained for 3 Days
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According to Police Sergeant Yahya Suiçmez from the Financial Crimes Investigation Unit, Köse's detention stems from an investigation linked to Serdinç Maypa, who was detained on March 28, 2024, with incriminating documents leading to Köse.

Allegations Against Köse:

  • October 31, 2023: Köse allegedly requested a laptop from a company in İskele that had applied for work permits for nearly 1,000 foreign workers, promising faster processing. The laptop, worth $1,850, was taken to his home rather than the ministry.

  • Remote Work: Köse allegedly accessed ministry work remotely using this laptop, but investigations revealed only personal data on the device.

  • January 29, 2024: Köse reportedly manipulated a contract for work at the Kalkanlı Life House. A company offered to do the job for $23,500 as a donation, but Köse insisted on billing $31,650 and paying $25,000, which the company refused.

  • Discount Request: Köse allegedly requested a discount on land he intended to buy from a construction firm in İskele in exchange for expediting their ministry-related work.

During Köse's detention, a search of his home uncovered the laptop and his mobile phone. The police stated that firm representatives had evidence of Köse’s demands in messages and correspondence, which they were willing to submit. However, Köse has not provided the password to his phone, hindering further investigation.

The court was informed that multiple witnesses were yet to be interviewed, and ongoing investigations might reveal new offenses. Köse’s lawyer did not contest the detention but requested medical supervision due to Köse’s recent angiography and stress-related high blood pressure.

Judge Jale Ergüden ruled for Köse to be detained for three more days and to receive a medical check-up.

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