reading time: 2 min.

Greek FM on Turkey: Dialogue with Our Neighbor is a Service to the Nation

Greek FM on Turkey: Dialogue with Our Neighbor is a Service to the Nation

Greek Foreign Minister Yorgos Yerapetritis highlighted the recent positive atmosphere between Turkey and Greece, stating that being able to engage in dialogue with Turkey is a service to the nation. Yerapetritis emphasized the importance of maintaining a calm period after approximately 1.5 years of tension in Greek-Turkish relations.

Publish Date: 05/07/24 13:51
reading time: 2 min.
Greek FM on Turkey: Dialogue with Our Neighbor is a Service to the Nation
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The positive momentum on the Ankara-Athens line continues. Speaking at a panel in Athens, Greek Foreign Minister Yorgos Yerapetritis said, "I consider being able to talk with our neighbor a service to the nation. We are not naive and understand that we will not agree on everything. However, creating the conditions that allow us to talk, reduce tensions, and establish a path for diplomacy and dialogue is a duty we owe to future generations."

"No 'VAR' System for Accidents"

Yerapetritis also referred to the calm period in the Aegean, saying, "We see the results of our efforts. To those who do not understand the value of these results, I will say this: If an accident occurs in the Aegean, there is no video assistant referee (VAR) system like in football to correct it. An accident cannot be undone, and as we have seen in the Middle East, it can lead to catastrophic results. We do not want this."

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