reading time: 2 min.

Etna and Stromboli Volcanoes Erupt, Catania Airport closed

Etna and Stromboli Volcanoes Erupt, Catania Airport closed

Eruptions at Italy’s Mount Etna and the smaller Stromboli volcano spewed hot ash and lava, raising alert levels on the Mediterranean island of Sicily and forcing a temporary shutdown of Catania Airport on Friday.

Publish Date: 05/07/24 14:04
reading time: 2 min.
Etna and Stromboli Volcanoes Erupt, Catania Airport closed
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Etna, one of the world’s most active volcanoes, has seen intense activity in recent days, lighting up the sky near the city of Catania, while Stromboli off the northern Sicilian coast has spilled lava into the sea.

Italy’s civil protection agency issued its top, red alert for Stromboli, warning the situation could deteriorate.

The fire brigade said they had preemptively doubled the number of firefighters on the island.

Around Catania, on the eastern coast of Sicily, residents and authorities moved to clean up the city after streets and cars were left smothered in black volcanic ash, while the nearby airport was closed.

Source: Reuters 

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