reading time: 2 min.

Cost of Living Rises by 4.48% in June

Cost of Living Rises by 4.48% in June

The cost of living increased by 4.48% in June, with a six-month increase of 32.99% and an annual rise of 83.17%. According to data from the Statistics Institute, the highest increase was in the housing, water, electricity, gas, and other fuels group at 10.03%.

Publish Date: 05/07/24 14:07
reading time: 2 min.
Cost of Living Rises by 4.48% in June
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Compared to December of the previous year, prices rose by 32.99%, and compared to the same month last year, prices increased by 83.17%.

Significant increases were observed in various categories:

  • Restaurants and hotels: 9.44%
  • Miscellaneous goods and services: 7.64%
  • Education: 6.19%
  • Food and non-alcoholic beverages: 5.53%
  • Health: 4.69%
  • Furniture, household appliances, and home maintenance: 1.14%
  • Clothing and footwear: 1.14%
  • Transportation: 0.75%
  • Recreation and culture: 0.37%
  • Alcoholic beverages and tobacco: 0.17%

The communication category saw a 0.50% decrease.

Out of the 487 items covered in the index, the average prices of 429 items increased, while the prices of 58 items decreased. The highest price increases were seen in white cabbage (164.44%), lettuce (97.46%), and vehicle inspection fees (84.91%). The highest price decreases were observed in watermelon (45.30%), melon (37.13%), and parsley (31.57%).

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