reading time: 7 min.

TBMM Calls for Recognition of TRNC

TBMM Calls for Recognition of TRNC

The Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM) General Assembly passed a resolution on the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation. The resolution called on the international community to acknowledge the realities on the island, end the inhumane isolation imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people, and recognize the TRNC as it deserves.

Publish Date: 19/07/24 11:47
reading time: 7 min.
TBMM Calls for Recognition of TRNC
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In the General Assembly of the TBMM, the resolution titled "50th Anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation," signed by Speaker Numan Kurtulmuş, was read and approved.

The resolution expressed that the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation is being celebrated with great pride and happiness, sincerely congratulating the Turkish Cypriot people's Peace and Freedom Day.

The resolution stated, "July 20 is the day of salvation for the Turkish Cypriot people, who have faced years of suffering and hardship with courage and patience. It is a symbol of the protection of their sovereign rights and equal status on the island. The dark period that began in 1963 with the usurpation of the partnership state by the Greek Cypriots and continued with expulsions and massacres ended with this operation, ensuring the existence and security of the Turkish Cypriots and establishing an environment of peace and security on the island."

The resolution emphasized that the absence of bloodshed on the island for the past half-century is an undeniable testament to the lasting legacy and success of the Peace Operation. "This operation, named after peace and saving the Turkish Cypriots from absolute extinction, was conducted based on the rights and obligations arising from the 1960 Guarantee Agreement of the Republic of Turkey. This also prevented the annexation of the island by the dreams of Enosis and a fait accompli," the resolution noted.

The resolution highlighted that the victory achieved by the heroic soldiers of the Turkish Armed Forces and the Cypriot fighters marked the first step in forming an independent Turkish Cypriot State. It stated:

"We respectfully, gratefully, and mercifully remember Prime Minister Bülent Ecevit, Deputy Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan, Chief of General Staff Semih Sancar, who successfully carried out and concluded the operation with great success despite its challenges, and the leading figures of the independence struggle, Dr. Fazıl Küçük and Rauf Denktaş. We commemorate with mercy and gratitude the Mehmetçik and fighters who fought shoulder to shoulder in the existential struggle of the Turkish Cypriots, the nameless heroes of the operation, and our martyrs and veterans. In the past 50 years, the Turkish Cypriots, walking with success and confidence on the path paved by the Peace Operation, crowned their struggle for sovereignty by declaring the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus under the leadership of the late Founding President Rauf Denktaş in 1983."

The resolution stressed that the Turkish Cypriot people, with Turkey's support, have made sincere efforts for a just, lasting, and sustainable solution. "However, despite the constructive role of the Turkish side in the negotiation process that has continued for over 50 years, no result has been achieved due to the uncompromising attitude of the Greek side. While the Greek Cypriots were rewarded with EU membership, the Turkish Cypriots have been subjected to unjust and inhumane isolation, restrictions, and embargoes. The Turkish Cypriots neither deserve nor accept this situation. They also have no patience for being stalled and for proposals that do not foresee political equality and equal sharing of the island's natural resources," the resolution stated.

Emphasis on a Two-State Solution

The resolution highlighted that the only definitive solution on the island is recognizing the inherent rights of the Turkish Cypriot people and confirming their sovereign equality and equal international status. "The two-state solution policy is the only way to ensure stability and lasting peace in the Mediterranean region. The existence of two separate peoples and two separate states on the island should no longer be ignored. Any efforts to resolve the Cyprus issue must be built on this reality. The Turkish Cypriot State must take its rightful place as an independent and equal sovereign member of the international community without further delay. In this context, it is gratifying that the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has gained observer member status in the Organization of Turkic States and the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States. It is our most natural expectation that these developments be completed with further steps," the resolution stated.

The resolution continued: "We call on the international community to recognize the realities on the island, end the inhumane isolation imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people, and recognize the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus as it deserves. Together with our Turkish Cypriot brothers and sisters, we will continue our efforts in this direction until we achieve results. Turkey will continue to be the guarantor of the freedom and prosperity of the Turkish Cypriots, as it has been until now, and will continue to fulfill its responsibilities with sensitivity as a 'guarantor state' and 'Motherland.' It will not allow the legitimate rights and interests of the Turkish Cypriot people to be eroded in any way. The full support of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and the Republic of Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will continue unconditionally and uninterruptedly under all circumstances. On this historic day, the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation, we reaffirm our heartfelt and cause unity with our Cypriot compatriots and once again declare to the world our unshakable unity and solidarity. The Turkish Cypriots will continue to live in peace, security, and tranquility under the roof of their independent state and in the shadow of their flag forever."

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