reading time: 4 min.

Tatar: The TRNC is Just as Legitimate as the Greek Cypriot State Despite All Embargoes

Tatar: The TRNC is Just as Legitimate as the Greek Cypriot State Despite All Embargoes

The 50th anniversary celebrations of the Peace Operation of July 20, 1974, commenced with a speech by President Ersin Tatar. In his address, President Tatar emphasized the legitimacy and resilience of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) amidst various pressures and embargoes.

Publish Date: 19/07/24 14:16
reading time: 4 min.
Tatar: The TRNC is Just as Legitimate as the Greek Cypriot State Despite All Embargoes
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President Tatar began his speech, broadcast on Bayrak Radio Television Corporation (BRTK) at noon, highlighting the hardships faced and battles fought to reach the current state of the TRNC. He remarked, "It was not easy to get here; we went through difficult and challenging phases, and every step involved a great struggle. The TRNC is just as legitimate as the Greek Cypriot state. Despite all pressures and embargoes, it stands firm and continues on its path."

Tatar asserted that the notion of the Cyprus problem starting in 1974 and labeling the Peace Operation as an "invasion" is a false and ugly claim made by the Greek-Greek Cypriot duo and their allies, who overlook the events preceding this period, specifically the coup attempts on December 21, 1963, and July 15, 1974.

"The TRNC is Standing Tall and Continuing its Path"

Emphasizing the legitimacy of the TRNC, President Tatar stated, "Our state was not established in a day. The TRNC is just as legitimate as the Greek Cypriot state. Despite all pressures and embargoes, it stands tall and continues its path. Our duty is to overcome all challenges, unite, and further strengthen the TRNC."

President Tatar criticized the Greek Cypriot leadership for using negotiation processes to maintain their unjust and unlawful comfort zone, attempting to crush the Turkish Cypriot people under isolation. He called on the United Nations and the European Union to abandon their biased and discriminatory stances on the Cyprus issue.

Supported by Turkey, the proposed solution, which is fair, permanent, and sustainable, is in the best interest of Cyprus and the region, Tatar emphasized. "We will not step back from our proposal for a solution. Despite all pressures, we are determined in this matter," he stated.

"We Will Continue to Progress Steadily with the Strength from Turkey and the Turkish World"

Addressing efforts by the Greek Cypriot administration to intensify isolations and politicize property issues to undermine the TRNC, Tatar declared, "They will not succeed. The TRNC and our people will not kneel. With the support of our motherland Turkey and the Turkish world, we will continue to progress steadily on our new path."

President Tatar also mentioned that certain circles aim to sever the enduring and unshakable bonds between the TRNC and Turkey through perception operations. "Their unchanged goal is to isolate and eliminate our people. Let’s stay vigilant and united, and hold on even tighter to our motherland Turkey in both joy and sorrow," he urged.

Reaffirming their stance against a federal solution under Greek Cypriot dominance, Tatar concluded, "We will never accept a solution that turns into a unitary state based on a federal foundation under Greek rule. We will not give up our state, sovereignty, Turkey’s guarantorship, or the Turkish military. We will not sit at the negotiation table until our sovereign equality and equal international status are recognized."

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