reading time: 3 min.

Hasipoğlu: The Resolution Reminds Us of the Turkish Parliament's Support for Northern Cyprus

Hasipoğlu: The Resolution Reminds Us of the Turkish Parliament's Support for Northern Cyprus

Oğuzhan Hasipoğlu, Secretary General and Member of Parliament for the National Unity Party (UBP), praised the 50th-anniversary resolution passed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), describing it as a historical affirmation of the Assembly's support for Northern Cyprus.

Publish Date: 19/07/24 14:31
reading time: 3 min.
Hasipoğlu: The Resolution Reminds Us of the Turkish Parliament's Support for Northern Cyprus
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In his statement, Hasipoğlu highlighted that "we proudly greet the 50th-anniversary resolution, which holds historical significance for us." He emphasized that the resolution, signed by TBMM President Numan Kurtulmuş, serves as a powerful reminder of the Turkish Parliament's support for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) on such a historic day.

"A Significant Message to the World"

Hasipoğlu noted, "The adoption of the resolution regarding the 50th anniversary of the Cyprus Peace Operation in the General Assembly sends an important message to the world." He added that the resolution underscores the support of Turkey's legislative power for the TRNC, reinforcing the fact that Northern Cyprus is not alone.

"The Time for TRNC's Recognition is Now"

Continuing his remarks, Hasipoğlu stated, "The resolution will be a driving force for the TRNC’s process of opening up to the world and its progress within the Organization of Turkic States. Our state’s rightful place as an independent and sovereign member of the international community cannot be delayed any further."

The resolution also emphasizes that, despite the Turkish Cypriots' sincere efforts for a fair, lasting, and sustainable solution, they have been subjected to unjust and inhumane isolation, restrictions, and embargoes, while Greek Cypriots have been rewarded with EU membership. "The Turkish Cypriots do not deserve this treatment, nor are they willing to tolerate delays and proposals that do not foresee sharing the island's natural resources on an equal basis."

"A Guiding Light for Future Cooperation"

The resolution's stance on a two-state solution as the only path to lasting peace provides significant guidance for the future of the joint efforts between Turkey and the TRNC. Hasipoğlu expressed gratitude to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, TBMM President Numan Kurtulmuş, and the esteemed Parliament for this exceptional resolution, offering thanks once again to the motherland for enabling a more secure future in the 50th year of the Cyprus Peace Operation.

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