reading time: 3 min.

Bi-Communal Peace Initiative: More Than Half of Missing Persons' Fates Unknown

Bi-Communal Peace Initiative: More Than Half of Missing Persons' Fates Unknown

The Bi-Communal Peace Initiative has revealed that the fate of more than half of the missing persons remains unknown, continuing to cause distress for thousands of families.

Publish Date: 19/07/24 14:33
reading time: 3 min.
Bi-Communal Peace Initiative: More Than Half of Missing Persons' Fates Unknown
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In a press release held at the Home For Cooperation, the initiative announced, "We remember the innocent victims of 60 years of conflict and war, and continue our joint struggle for peace and reconciliation."

According to Selma Eylem, President of the Cyprus Turkish Secondary School Teachers' Union (KTOEÖS), the statement was endorsed by 104 organizations, including political parties and unions.

The release calls for the resumption of negotiations aimed at achieving a reunified Cyprus based on a bi-communal, bi-zonal federation with political equality, as outlined in UN resolutions. It also expressed hope for the extension of the mandate of the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative for Cyprus, Holguin.

The statement emphasized the following:

“We will continue working with the families of the missing to locate burial sites and other relevant information. We will also continue to honor those who provide information and effective assistance in the search for missing persons.

Starting this year, we will dedicate the first week of November to the missing and other victims of intercommunal conflict and war. During this week, we will organize events and activities to commemorate the victims on both sides and inform the public about the crimes committed against innocent victims by both sides.

In the absence of a solution and possible agreement for the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission at the leadership level to investigate the crimes committed, we have initiated a process to explore the possibility of establishing a Commission at the civil society level, where families will also play an effective and meaningful role.

In the week dedicated to conflict, war, missing persons, and victims in November 2024, we are continuing the process of creating a joint monument to honor the victims from both sides, aiming to accelerate the process and announce more concrete results.”

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