reading time: 4 min.

Ataoğlu: Erdoğan Illuminated Our Path Ahead

Ataoğlu: Erdoğan Illuminated Our Path Ahead

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, and Democratic Party (DP) Chairman Fikri Ataoğlu emphasized that Turkish President Erdoğan's speech during the 20th July celebrations has illuminated the path they will follow in the coming days.

Publish Date: 22/07/24 11:35
reading time: 4 min.
Ataoğlu: Erdoğan Illuminated Our Path Ahead
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Ataoğlu stated, “President Erdoğan’s speech is significant not only for today but also for guiding the path we will follow in the upcoming days.”

According to a statement from the Democratic Party, Ataoğlu expressed gratitude to Erdoğan and other guests for their participation in the ceremonies and events, saying, “Your presence made this celebration more meaningful and brought us great joy.”


Ataoğlu continued: “President Erdoğan’s speech reiterated the main outlines of the policy on the Cyprus issue, stating clearly that the Turkish side will not negotiate federation. Erdoğan’s words, 'One cannot bathe in the same river twice, and ignoring the realities on the island leads nowhere. We believe that a federal solution in Cyprus is impossible,' serve as a guiding principle for us.

As Erdoğan emphasized, today, just as half a century ago, we stand united. In these significant days, Turkey’s and the Turkish nation’s emphasis on the Cyprus cause has been strongly felt once again. Your statement that Northern Cyprus is the apple of Turkey’s eye gives us morale and strength.”

Addressing Erdoğan, Ataoğlu said, “Your stance against the issues created by Greek leaders and certain elements on the island and your defense of the rights of the Turkish Cypriots are of great value to us. Emphasizing the importance of the Cyprus Peace Operation for the freedom and prosperity of the Turkish Cypriots has filled us with pride. Celebrating 20 July, the symbol of the Turkish Cypriots' sovereignty rights and equal status, is always an honor for us.”

Ataoğlu also praised Erdoğan's insistence that "the Turkish Cypriot side must sit at the negotiation table as equals with the Greek side," saying it gives them hope. He continued:

“Thank you for your efforts towards the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the implementation of a two-state solution. Your determination and resilience in this process are guiding us.

The good news for our young people has greatly pleased us. Starting from July, the decision to treat students who are citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus the same as Turkish citizens regarding contribution fees and tuition fees, and facilitating their education in Turkey, is an important step for the future of Turkish Cypriot youth. I wish this decision will benefit students wishing to study at universities in Turkey.

Furthermore, Turkey’s support in enabling our young athletes to participate in international tournaments broadens their horizons and consolidates their successes. We will continue to work to provide more support to our youth in this regard.

Finally, while celebrating the 50th anniversary of the 20th July Peace and Freedom Day, I once again commemorate the architects of the Peace Operation, such as Bülent Ecevit, Necmettin Erbakan, and Alparslan Türkeş, and our martyrs and veterans with gratitude.

I also pray for the late Dr. Fazıl Küçük and the late founding President Rauf Denktaş, who fought for the future of Northern Cyprus as a free, independent, secure, and peaceful state.

We will continue our path with determination, supported by the strong backing provided on the 20th July Peace and Freedom Day. I extend my heartfelt thanks to President Erdoğan and our guests from Turkey once again.

We are grateful for embracing us and always being by our side.”

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