reading time: 5 min.

Hasan Taçoy: I Am Running Not Only for UBP Leadership but Also for Prime Minister

Hasan Taçoy: I Am Running Not Only for UBP Leadership but Also for Prime Minister

UBP (National Unity Party) MP Hasan Taçoy stated that he is running not only for the UBP leadership but also for the prime ministership.

Publish Date: 23/07/24 11:22
reading time: 5 min.
Hasan Taçoy: I Am Running Not Only for UBP Leadership but Also for Prime Minister
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During his appearance on the North Cyprus Web TV program, Taçoy answered Ahmet Kaptan's questions on current issues.

Responding to a question about the Turkish Grand National Assembly's decision on the “Two-State Solution in Cyprus,” Taçoy noted that the decision was an expected development for him and that it was taken against the Greek Cypriot perspective of viewing Turkish Cypriots as a minority.

Taçoy recalled Turkish President Erdoğan's statement, "You cannot step into the same river twice," from the July 20 celebration, emphasizing that negotiations would not resume with the same ideas.

Highlighting that the Greek Cypriot side does not want to share anything with the Turkish Cypriots, Taçoy said, “They only see us as a minority. Therefore, we owe thanks to the Turkish state and parliament. They presented the two-state solution policy and supported it with a resolution. Our parliament should also make a decision on this as soon as possible.”

Taçoy also answered questions about the UBP congress process.

He stated that after deciding to run in the congress, his first action was to request Prime Minister Üstel to relieve him from his ministerial duties. Taçoy emphasized that he acted with the consciousness of running not only for the UBP leadership but also for the prime ministership.

“I ran for both positions, feeling the responsibility of both. I have planned for all the elections to be held until 2030. I am running for these two positions to fully meet my responsibilities,” said Taçoy.

He stated that he is not only thinking about the projects waiting on the shelves but also about future projects and that some habits must change according to the country’s needs. “Success is inevitable, and you will see this in the government work we will do after September 21,” he said.

Taçoy noted that they created a well-thought-out and planned action program at every level. “It is not just about saying, ‘Give me your vote, let me become the chairman, let me become the prime minister, and then we will see what to do.’ With the experience of years, institutional memory, and the good teams we have formed, achieving many things will be our duty,” he said.

Explaining that he is on a journey to become the prime minister the country deserves, Taçoy said that as the general president, his first goal is to fix the disconnection between the headquarters and the organizations and that he attaches great importance to this.

Taçoy pointed out that the lack of communication within UBP has created many negative situations and emphasized the need to restore the lost internal democracy within UBP.

He recalled that he has been addressing the issues necessary to re-establish internal democracy within the party during his candidacy process and highlighted the need for a leader who can unite the party.

When asked about electricity, Taçoy said that significant investment is needed not only in production but also in transmission infrastructure. He noted that a significant part of the outages is due to transmission failures, not a lack of production.

“If the infrastructure is not strengthened, the outages will continue. Even if you produce electricity or bring it by cable, nothing will change if you do not strengthen the infrastructure. Investment in infrastructure must continue and be brought to a strong position initially,” Taçoy said.

In response to a question about the government’s urgent measures against price increases, Taçoy said that the factors causing the high prices must first be corrected.

He pointed out that despite talking about stability, the country's economy is far from a stable structure and announced that the issue will be detailed in the manifesto they will publish soon.

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