reading time: 3 min.

Hasan Taçoy Announces Candidacy for UBP Leadership

Hasan Taçoy Announces Candidacy for UBP Leadership

UBP Member of Parliament Hasan Taçoy has announced his candidacy for the party's leadership, expressing his criticism of the current state of the party and his vision for a cleaner future. Taçoy aims to dispel the "dark clouds" over the party and expressed confidence that UBP members would seek truth and reality.

Publish Date: 29/07/24 12:07
reading time: 3 min.
Hasan Taçoy Announces Candidacy for UBP Leadership
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UBP Member of Parliament Hasan Taçoy, after submitting his official candidacy application for the general presidency of the party, criticized the current state of the party and emphasized a commitment to a cleaner future. Taçoy aims to lift the "dark clouds" over the party, expressing his firm belief that UBP members will seek truth and reality.

Taçoy submitted his official candidacy application at the UBP General Headquarters in Köşklüçiftlik on September 21.

In his statement to the press after the submission, Taçoy reminded everyone that he has been saying for over a year that the party is not being managed properly and that a dark cloud has settled over it. He stated:

“Our party and our country have been suffering from poor management and its painful consequences. Today, we take another step to eliminate these issues.

After the first step of deciding to run for candidacy, I have now taken the second step by officially submitting my application. Now, it's time for the third and final step.

We will take this step together with the courageous people who believe in UBP and are devoted to this country. With the step we take at the congress on September 21, we will begin a new era. This new era will end the process that has darkened our sun and left the country in darkness.

We will first save UBP, and then, with a strong UBP government, we will rescue our country from the difficult situation it has been dragged into. We will achieve this with our broad cadre, experienced team, and of course, the support of our people.

We are coming to restore the silenced diversity of voices within UBP. I have officially formalized my candidacy, which I had announced long ago.

Now, let’s see what those who clung to the lie 'He won’t run, he will withdraw,' just to criticize me, will do next. Let them do what they want; the will of the people will prevail.

Today is an important day for scattering the dark clouds that have darkened our 'SUN,' which has illuminated our country for years.

I am fully aware of the responsibility I will have once I reach the position for which I have just submitted my candidacy application. I have no doubt that I can fulfill this responsibility with the support of our party's true owners, our members, and their will at the ballot box.

I trust myself, I trust my party, I believe in our members, and I believe in our country.

With this consciousness and responsibility, I thank everyone who has given me courage and support for my candidacy for UBP General Presidency.

Sunny, bright days are ahead of us.

UBP is worth it. This country is worth it.”

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